is two stage evaporative cooling passive

No. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. and known as an "Aqua Saver". Zhao, X.; Liu, S.; Riffat, S. Comparative study of heat and mass exchanging materials for indirect evaporative cooling systems. However, this process requires higher fan power than that for indirect and direct evaporative coolers because of air splitting. The mechanism according to claim 11 further including means for exhausting said first portion of ambient air. Available online: Verdolotti, L.; Iannace, S.; Lavorgna, M.; Lamanna, R. Geopolymerization reaction to consolidate incoherent pozzolanic soil. This approach enables maximizing the use of natural energy to create comfortable surroundings within a built envelope. Proceedings of the Global Roadmap for Ceramics-ICC2 Proceedings, Verona, Italy, 29 June4 July 2008; pp. Katsuki, H.; Furuta, S.; Shiraishi, A.; Komarneni, S. Porous mullite honeycomb by hydrothermal treatment of fired kaolin bodies in NaOH. Shukla, A.; Tiwari, G.N. This invention achieves lower air temperatures than previous natural draft evaporative coolers operating under the same conditions. Al Bakri et al. Ge, Y.; Cui, X.; Kong, Y.; Li, Z.; He, Y.; Zhou, Q. Porous geopolymeric spheres for removal of Cu (II) from aqueous solution: Synthesis and evaluation. The aerogenerators of this machine mounted in the two-tower building can use the airflow passing between the towers to produce electricity (, The Hydro House is a concept home proposed by the Rael San Fratello Architects (, Sou Fujimoto proposed a nature-inspired design for a tower block known as LArbre Blanc (The White Tree). He, J.; Hoyano, A. ; Lukey, G.C. FIG. Costelloe, B.; Finn, D. Thermal effectiveness characteristics of low approach indirect evaporative cooling systems in buildings. Metakaolin (MK) typically comprises 50%55% SiO, Geopolymers are typically sourced from a coal combustion product commonly known as FA, which contains amorphous alumina silica and is readily available worldwide. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Tippayasam, C.; Boonsalee, S.; Sajjavanich, S.; Ponzoni, C.; Kamseu, E.; Chaysuwan, D. Geopolymer development by powders of metakaolin and wastes in Thailand. Lin, T.; Jia, D.; He, P.; Wang, M.; Liang, D. Effects of fiber length on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of short carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer matrix composites. Utilizing air flow 41A, heat is transferred from the oil to the water, which evaporates into the waste air stream 48C. 15. Delfani, S.; Esmaeelian, J.; Pasdarshahri, H.; Karami, M. Energy saving potential of an indirect evaporative cooler as a pre-cooling unit for mechanical cooling systems in Iran. Ding, J.T. Heat. An evaporative cooling system is suitable for hot and arid climates, whereas indirect evaporative systems such as water ponds and roof spray cooling systems can also be suitable for humid climates. ; Gandhidasan, P.; Rehman, S.; Al-Hadhrami, L.M. Hajiha, H.; Sain, M. 17The use of sugarcane bagasse fibres as reinforcements in composites. Van Jaarsveld, J.G.S. 23. ; Thaumaturgo, C. Fracture toughness of geopolymeric concretes reinforced with basalt fibers. ; Panias, D. Utilization of alumina red mud for synthesis of inorganic polymeric materials. Sata, V.; Jaturapitakkul, C.; Rattanashotinunt, C. Compressive Strength and Heat Evolution of Concretes Containing Palm Oil Fuel Ash. de Sensale, G.R. prior to publication. MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Bajare, D.; Bumanis, G.; Shakhmenko, G.; Justs, J. Flow control 13 modulates the water so that heat exchangers 17 stay moistened and therefore are cooled by evaporative cooling. Refrig. Experimental study of cooling effects of a passive evaporative cooling wall constructed of porous ceramics with high water soaking-up ability. What is the average relative humidity of the area where cooling is needed? ; Lukey, G.C. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. The rate at which the water drains and the volume of the tank largely controls the cycle duration of the assembly. Roof ponds as passive heating and cooling systems: A systematic review. 4) at least one exhaust window for exhausting air from said airflow chamber; b) a water supply line supplying pressurized water to said tower; c) a heat exchanger having a first surface and a second surface; d) a primary cooling system having means for evaporatively cooling the first surface of said heat exchanger using water from said water supply line and a first portion of said ambient air flow; e) a first cooling means for cooling a second portion of said ambient air flow through contact with the second surface of said heat exchanger; f) means for capturing excess water from said primary cooling system; and. The chimney effect, in reverse, causes the cool air to flow by gravity down the tower. The invention, together with various embodiments thereof will be more fully described by the following drawings and their accompanying descriptions. Available online: Yoneda, Y. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license ( The mechanism according to claim 15 wherein said primary cooling system includes evaporative pads in contact with said heat exchanger. He, J.; Zhang, J.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, G. The strength and microstructure of two geopolymers derived from metakaolin and red mud-fly ash admixture: A comparative study. Heat transfer occurs between air and the water cooled inside a cooling tower. The heat exchanger also operates with plain tubes, without fins or extended surfaces. Chindaprasirt, P.; Homwuttiwong, S.; Jaturapitakkul, C. Strength and water permeability of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and rice huskbark ash. Provis, J.L. To create a fluid language for developing a building as an environmental machine, three flow conditions have been considered, namely, human flow, sunlight, and air movement. FIG. Designing water resistant lightweight geopolymers produced from waste materials. The mechanism according to claim 16 wherein said at least one wind opening on said tower is substantially at the top of said tower. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Obtaining Composition of Geopolymers (Alkali Activated Binders) from Local Industrial Wastes, Civil Engineering, Jelgava, Latvia, 1213 May 2011. PLANETARY DESIGN CORPORATION, A CORP. OF AZ, ARIZ, Free format text: New ingenious designs have been proposed to utilize multiple renewable energy options to reduce carbon footprint by optimizing heat waste in cooling and heating systems. 1, with a reduction in temperatures as air flows through the dry section of the heat exchanger 37 and final cooling in the evaporative cooler. Thermal comfort could not be achieved by PDEC only. Hybrid system including DEC coupled with of nocturnal radiative cooling, cooling coil. The chimney effect, in reverse, causes the cool air to flow by gravity down the tower. 1) evaporatively cooling said second portion of said ambient air flow using water from said means for capturing excess water, and. ;ASSIGNOR:THOMPSON, TOMMY L.;REEL/FRAME:005275/0650, Free format text: No special 4,532,777. In a biomic architecture project of the Mineral Research and Tourist Hub in Badwater, Death Valley, California, abundant sunlight, salty water bodies, and vast salt plateaus are used as the key variables to produce green energy electricity via solar molten salt technology. Riangvilaikul, B.; Kumar, S. An experimental study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling system. These include two-stage cooling systems. Davidovits, J. Geopolymers: man-made rock geosynthesis and the resulting development of very early high strength cement. Toya, T.; Tamura, Y.; Kameshima, Y.; Okada, K. Preparation and properties of CaO-MgO-Al. No. Mathematical model of indirect evaporative cooler using porous ceramic and heat pipe. ; Duxson, P. Technical and commercial progress in the adoption of geopolymer cement. Corrosion performance of rice husk ash blended concrete. those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). The system consists of a plate-type sensible heat exchanger and a direct evaporative cooler [, The performance of evaporative cooling systems is governed by the material of the media, which augments the water evaporation process. This type of valve eliminates the need for a re-circulating pump since it "gushes" or pulses the required amount of water over the evaporative pads. heat pipes, Arrangements for coupling heat-pipes together or with other structures, e.g. Air is cooled by the evaporative cooler pads to point C, or roughly 63 degrees F. A single stage cooler tower of the prior art can produce air at approximately 75 degrees F. The air flow through the tower is proportional to the square root of the difference between the outside and tower temperatures, in the windless case. 11. A number of two stage evaporative cooling systems have been developed and are described in depth by Evaporative Air Conditioning Handbook, 2nd Ed, Chapmann & Hall, New York, incorporated herein by reference. Application filed by Planetary Design Corp, Assigned to PLANETARY DESIGN CORPORATION, A CORP. OF AZ, PLANETARY DESIGN CORPORATION, A CORP. OF AZ, , , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING, HEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA DO NOT COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT, Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, using the cooling effect of natural or forced evaporation, Heat-exchange apparatus with the intermediate heat-transfer medium in closed tubes passing into or through the conduit walls ; Heat-exchange apparatus employing intermediate heat-transfer medium or bodies, Heat-exchange apparatus with the intermediate heat-transfer medium in closed tubes passing into or through the conduit walls ; Heat-exchange apparatus employing intermediate heat-transfer medium or bodies in which the medium condenses and evaporates, e.g. A Review of Porous Evaporative Cooling for the Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables. Another DEC design adopts porous ceramics that use their capillary property as evaporators to extract water without using a pump [. Ben Cheikh, H.; Bouchair, A. The exterior of the tubes constituting heat exchanger 17 are cooled by wind-driven evaporation. Maheshwari, G.; Al-Ragom, F.; Suri, R. Energy-saving potential of an indirect evaporative cooler. permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. Review of passive solar heating and cooling technologies. Drain slots 7 permit water to pass from one circumferntial fin to another in an organized manner. Available online: Sou Fujimoto designs nature-inspired towerfor Montpellier modern follies project. Masoso, O.T. ; Zhu, J. ; Onyebuchi, O. In view of significant gains in energy and environmental benefits, conducting green concept studies using geopolymers or similar green materials is essential. Okada, K.; Matsui, S.; Isobe, T.; Kameshima, Y.; Nakajima, A. Water-retention properties of porous ceramics prepared from mixtures of allophane and vermiculite for materials to counteract heat island effects. Fabrication and properties of mullite ceramics with needle-like crystals. 19. The cooling tower according to claim 3 wherein said heat exchanger includes heat pipes. Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Lin, J. Liu, Y.-F.; Liu, X.-Q. The pipes are wetted by flow control 13 which is any of the common valves or surging valves known to those of ordinary skill in the art. FIG. That is, a floc or other water retaining material is preferrably placed around the heat exchange pipes 36. Jain, D. Modeling of solar passive techniques for roof cooling in arid regions. Heat and mass transfers also occur during this process. The pre-cooled air, with a reduced wet bulb temperature, is further cooled by evaporation of water in the second stage evaporative cooler. The tower consists of three parts: a wind catching turret 10; a heat exchanger with extended surfaces on both sides of the tubes 17; and an evaporative cooler section 18. Operation of the towers depends on the density difference between the tower and outside air. Isobe, T.; Kameshima, Y.; Nakajima, A.; Okada, K.; Hotta, Y. 5 is a cutaway functional view of a valve which utilizes hydraulic pressure from the water source for timing control. Am. Kang, D.; Strand, R.K. Building Simulation. Dimas, D.D. published in the various research areas of the journal. Eskra, N. Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooling Systems. Effect of metal contaminants on the formation and properties of waste-based geopolymers. 7. 4 is a cutaway functional view of still another embodiment of the invention. ; Zarina, Y. Microstructure of different NaOH molarity of fly ash-based green polymeric cement. FIG. Bruno, F. On-site experimental testing of a novel dew point evaporative cooler. Energy performance evaluation of a novel evaporative cooling technique. progress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. ; van Deventer, J.S.J. Air movement (velocity) influences the performance of an evaporative cooling system. Once the tank is filled, the float valve closes the line to the pads and the cycle repeats. Advances in the application of passive down-draft evaporative cooling technology in the cooling of buildings. When the water level drops to 58B, a point determined by the float valve assembly (51A and 52) and installation, valve 52 opens, allowing water from water source 16 to: (i) flow to the pads 53A and 53B through the main line; and, (ii) a much smaller amount of water to flow through a second line, through adjustable valve 54 and into tank 50, thereby raising the water level eventually to level 58A. 35, and more than 22% of electricity saving over the equivalent conventional mechanical vapour compression refrigeration based air conditioning systems [23,26,27]. [3], Heidarinejad G [23] and Jain [87]. [23] investigated a two-stage IEC/DEC system used in various climate regions in Iran, with particular focus on the issues of thermal comfort, power saving and water consumption. feasibility of the combined DEC/IEC systems or IEC systems alone for use in residential and commercial application under various climatic regions [3,10,12,23,33,45,55,89,95,101,102], and analyses of costing, energy saving, payback, life cycle as well as carbon based environment measures related to IEC system manufacturing and applications [10,16,25,27,29,84,101,103,104]. [23] reported an experimental investigation of a two-stage IEC/DEC system operated in Irans climatic condition, with focusing on the effect of the outdoor air conditions on cooling effectiveness of the system. Shahram Delfani, Jafar Esmaeelian +2 more, Hisham El-Dessouky, Hisham Ettouney +1 more, Copyright @ 2022 | PubGenius Inc. | Suite # 217 691 S Milpitas Blvd Milpitas CA 95035, USA, Experimental investigation of two-stage indirect/direct evaporative cooling system in various climatic conditions, Passive cooling dissipation techniques for buildings and other structures: The state of the art, Indirect evaporative cooling : Past, present and future potentials, An experimental study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling system, Numerical study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling system, A review on desiccant based evaporative cooling systems, Describing Uncertainty in Single Sample Experiments, ASHRAE handbook and product directory /published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc, Comparative study of heat and mass exchanging materials for indirect evaporative cooling systems, Energy saving potential of an indirect evaporative cooler as a pre-cooling unit for mechanical cooling systems in Iran, Energy-saving potential of an indirect evaporative cooler, Performance analysis of two-stage evaporative coolers. In U.S. Pat. Masters Thesis, Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA, 1986. A design supporting simulation system for predicting and evaluating the cool microclimate creating effect of passive evaporative cooling walls. ; Srivastava, N.S.L. Performance of porous ceramic evaporators for building cooling application. Air flows into the turret as described for FIG. Chilled water coil conjunction with a DEC pad. Alzeer, M.; MacKenzie, K.D. Riffat, S.B. ; Van Deventer, J.S.J. Synthesis and mechanical properties of new fibre-reinforced composites of inorganic polymers with natural wool fibres. In addition, feasibility and public acceptance studies on passive cooling technologies in different countries can be regarded as an important issue for further research. Unfortunately, in many applications, a ready source of electricity does not exist to power the re-circulating pumps, the blowers and other equipment necessary for two stage coolers to operate. Kamal, M.A. 1a. PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362. The method of cooling an air flow according to claim 22 further comprising the steps of: a) trapping excess water from said first surface of said heat exchanger; and. Bahadori, M.N. Water through valve 56 is discharged as waste 19. Other materials, including ceramics, have been analyzed for application in evaporative media for both direct [, Different studies on evaporative cooling technologies are summarized in, Cooling via porous materials is not a new concept; in fact, it has been used since ancient times. The cooling tower according to claim 3 wherein said heat exchanger includes at least two pipes for conduction of said second portion of said ambient air flow. Jain, D.; Tiwari, G.N. ; Newell, T.A. The cooled oil-like material is used to pre-cool, without humidifying, air before a second evaporative cooling step.

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is two stage evaporative cooling passive

is two stage evaporative cooling passive