nikon super coolscan 5000 ed

You can insert single mounted transparencies into the slide mount adaptor MA-21 and whole film strips into the strip film adaptor SA-21. This function is very important with the new Nikon LS-5000 because this scanner hasn't got a front cover anymore, which could be used to simply close the scanner when not in use. I've always said: it's not only the scanner that makes the image, it's also the software. Supplying Nikon View makes sense by all means, although 99% of all users won't ever use this programm, because not everybody wants to spend 15-30 minutes for image processing, settings, enhancement and so on after scanning an image. It's nice indeed, if the film is neatly spooled onto a large drum, but scanning film rolls works well without a film drum on the back side of the scanner, too. The most striking modification compared to the predecessor attracted my attention on the front side of the scanner: the LS-4000 had a sliding cover, which easily covered the interior of the scanner when no film adaptor was attached. With this tool the image is not only scanned repeatedly but also with different exposure settings. The whole user guide is available in six languages. The APS adaptor is installed in the scanner just like the strip film holder until it locks in place. The adaptor receives power and instructions >from the scanner via a 35-pin interface. So we still have to talk about the Scan Image Enhancer as a new feature: this technique performs an automatic adjustment of brightness and contrast, so it complies with Photoshop's "auto levels". For normal images even the standard settings provide execellent digital images. And there is even a special adaptor for users who want to digitise medical or other preparates - the FH-G1. Data transfer: huge data volumes have to be transferred from the scanner to the computer. You can indeed define the scan area as usual with a frame, but if the scanner can't correctly distinguish the single frames on the film roll (for example with several night shots) you can find the correct images by setting the image position manually. New scanner Nikkor Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass lens. In October 2003 Nikon surprised the filmscanner community with the successor of the well proven Super Coolscan 4000 ED. Who operates his Nikon 5000 with the SilverFast Studio version 6.5 even gets to know the promise of multi exposure. The new adaptor got a little darker in colour - an outstanding trend with Nikon: the once light grey of the adaptors is getting always darker. The image quality provided by this scanner is brilliant, particularily with problematic images like night shots. What else distinguishes a Nikon scanner? Example: a black and white astronomy shot looks worthless with standard scan settings. We already know this programm for transferring our images from the camera to the computer, for viewing the images, sorting them, creating slide shows and so on. There is the optional strip film holder FH-3 for strongly curled or curved film strips (positive or negative) as well as for single, loose frames. By means of the index images you can make significant adjustments for every single frame by setting the image position. Using the old APS film adaptor IA-20(S) with the new Super Coolscan 5000 ED worked well too. Should we scan maybe 10 standardized test slides with resolution bar, colour patterns and gray scales to check to what extent the scans match the original? With the strip film adaptor SA-21 you can scan film strips (positive or negative) with 2-6 photos. Nikon uses high-class lenses. Enhanced Color Management System for higher precision, in compliance with ICC (International Color Consortium) version 4 standards. I can only confirm rumors which accuse a certain blur to the ICE process insofar that in areas where big dust particles have to be corrected away with the surrounding pixels a certain impression of blur inevitably occurs. If you save such a file in the uncompressed TIF format, you will get a file of a size of about 55 megabytes. The separate quick start guide was much more useful to me though. At first glance the new Version 4 doesn't seem to have changed a lot compared to the old version. This sounds very promising, but after careful consideration and a little testing you will quickly find out that you can achieve this kind of effects by changing the gradation curves, too. This method works perfectly and I must praise this advancement! Those who want to scan large batches of mounted slides will be pleased with the shockingly expensive slide feeder SF-210. With a night shot or an image of the sea or of a ski trail you will get such disguised images, that it's rather manipulation than restoration we're talking about. So this design works flawlessly. Does this mean poor image quality? There is only the Nikon own scan software NikonScan. The back side of the Super Coolscan 5000 also differs from his little brother: there is an opening for the 35mm roll film adaptor, which can be used to digitise whole 35mm film rolls at once. And I'd like to mention a very pleasant one right at the beginning: you can choose for which scanners you want to use the program for already at the installation. So a film adaptor has to be attached to the Coolscan 5000 at all times, even when not in use. I had never problems with Kodak APS films though. But I don't want to ignore those users who are not familiar with using gradation curves: for them the DDE slider is a comfortable way to get more details into very dark image areas. The LS-5000 is sold for a high price, but you'll get the in fact best 35mm film scanner available at present for it. The dimensions and the form are the same as its predecessor's. The new slide mount adaptor MA-21 has got an integrated cover protecting the scanner's interior against dust. How can the image quality of a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 be actually judged? Newly-developed, high-quality 2-line CCD sensor. The field of application for the FH-G1 designated by Nikon actually is digitising medical preparates. That of course applies for positive film strips too. The image to be scanned is moved into a little window by an adjustable guide rail. Of course it's very comfortable if the scanner scans the whole film strip at once. There are the same kind of problems with the transportation of the slides just as with the predecessor: it happens that slides get stuck on their way into or out of the scanner, jam on the turnout or that the transport slider slips past the mounts. When buying a LS-5000 ED you'll get a complete package including all necessary cables, scan software and image editing software for scanning mounted 35mm slides and 35mm film strips. It should also be a matter of course that old film adaptors can still be used when buying a new film scanner. If you put a potpourri of plastic, glass and paperboard mounts with thicknesses between 1 and 3,2 mm into the magazine you have to fully open the metal bar, and can not prevent two slides being drawn in at once. The professional 135/IX240 film scanner that satisfies the need for quality and speed, Material Processing Solutions & Robot Vision, 4,000-dpi true optical-resolution scanning,16-bit A/D converter featuring 16-/8-bit output for crisp, color-true images, Exclusive Scanner Nikkor ED high-performance lens elements for reduced color aberration and minimized image distortion, Proprietary LED illumination technology ensures consistently accurate color reproduction, Amazingly fast scanning (approx. But it's no problem to keep supplies coming during the scan process, so that the scanner virtually runs non-stop. The Super Coolscan 5000 ED comes up with a set of image enhancement and correction techniques. the image is scanned repeatedly and the individual results are automatically interpolated. We already know the grain equalization GEM and the colour enhancement ROC from the predecessor. A few drawbacks have been improved, new features have been added. Conclusion of the last 5 paragraphs: The scan software of the Nikon 5000 contains a great many algorithms for automatic image enhancement which positively affect the image qualitiy in a comfortable way. It's getting more delicate when scanning curled film strips, curved slides or - to some extent - glass mounted slides, because the depth of field of the Coolscan 5000 is less than 1mm. For dear money you'll get a film adaptor which is plugged into the front of the scanner just as any other adaptor. If you perform a normal standard scan with the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 you'll get brilliant scans of 90% of all images using the standard settings. There isn't more to fetch out of a 35mm slide or negative. The weak computing power additionally thwarts the ICE. The slide feeder has got two drawers: into the outer one you put the slides which are to scan, while the finished slides get into the inner one. An innocent feature with partly groundbreaking effects! In this case only restarting the scan software and rewinding the film by clicking the appropriate button helps. The Scan Image Enhancer optimises colours and contrast of an image. all portrait format slides have to be rotated afterwards with Photoshop for example. Back to my statement that all settings which can be made within the scan software except ICE can be made with the image editing software, too. Via the scan software you can assign predetermined scan areas according to the APS formats Classic, HDTV and panorama to every single image. Everybody knows what auto level does with an image of a ski trail: the few people shilhoutted against the consistent white become extremely coloured and glaring. Naturally this adjustable metal bar only helps when scanning slide mounts of the same kind. From this it follows that it's not that important what the scanned image effectively looks like, but rather which information it contains. The drum is that big that one could believe that it can contain hundrets of images. Since the strip film holder FH-3 is virtually indispensable for people who want to scan not mounted 35mm film material, they are all but obliged to spend extra money for optional accessory when buying a Coolscan 5000. Furthermore NikonView and Adobe Photoshop Elements is included in the software bundle. Often a whole family life is documented in a wardrobe full of slide magazines. Even if the computer crashes the cover stays locked as long as the film wasn't rewind back into the cartridge. So the MA-21 not only acts as a film adaptor but as well as a cover for the front insertion. Unfortunately ICE does not work with the most Kodachrome films, so that you have to lower your sights on the automatic dust and scratches removal. The Scan Image Enhancer is also a very useful feature that must not be turned on permanently. After that everything goes on as already known: you can perform index scans, prescans and fine scans. The scan area plays a decisive role. A few words to Nikon's sales policy: one could easily do without the film drum on the backside. You gently insert the film strip (positive or negative) into the strip film holder. An additional infrared source identifies what doesn't belong to the image and sophisticated algorithms correct the corresponding spots with close pixels. The slide feeder SF-210 is attached to the scanner in the same way as the serial film adaptors until it snaps in. it must be adjusted individually for every image, and it can be displaced by changing the gradaton curves. If you forcibly pull on the adaptor you can damage the scanner. For this kind of application there is Nikon's slide feeder SF-210 available as optional (and expensive) accessory for the Super Coolscan 5000 ED. This means that there is 16 bits per colour channel (red, green, blue) available for the scanner, so it can differentiate 65.536 colours (explanation see our page colour depth). DDE is part of the new Advanced ICE4 and performs exposure compensation. There are people who are so sworn in the leading scansoftware Silverfast, that they depreciate any other program as crab without looking at it any closer. Finally there are individual sliders for the scanner's special features ICE, which is the dust and scratches correction, the grain equalization GEM, the colour restoration ROC and the exposure extender DDE. You can hardly find other scanners which effectively almost reach their nominal resolution. So if 5 thin paperboard mounts follow 5 thick mounts you can accordingly adjust the metal bar before the scanner draws the paperboard mounts in. By differences the content of the German original website holds. Thus a black&white picture can contain up to 65.536 different shades of gray with an optimal scan. You can not automatically take over the settings you made for instance for the first image to the remaining images. Changes in configuration, specification, hardware, software etc. The scan software is very clearly arranged and easy to learn. The two drawers are each 78mm long, so that 25-75 slides, depending on the thickness of the mounts, can be inserted. The slide mount adaptor MA-21 and his predecessor respectivley proved themselves during the years. Those who want to scan whole 35mm film rolls need the roll film adaptor SA-30 as optional accessory for the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000. Right after placing the film in the adaptor an automatic pulls the film out of the cartridge by itself. This raw format contains (almost) all original information from the scan process, so that you have numerous possibilities of image enhancement and changing scan settings after the scan with the help of Nikon View. Rumors of every discription was spread. I myself prefer working directly with the gradation curves, although setting brightness and contrast could be done more comfortable as well. After all the strip film holder not only has to carry the film material but also transport and correctly align it. You get a manual with 70 pages per language which explain installation and operation of the scanner and the software detailed and understandable. I have ordered my Coolscan V and Super Coolscan 5000 the same day and I also received them at the same day. At the end of the software installation process the computer reboots automatically. The user interface looks virtually identical, the settings work as known. Out of unknown reasons the scanning process got stuck after about 70% and the software as well as the scanner needed to be restartet. There are two main reasons making the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED unique and unbeatable: first is the exceptionally good performance not only on paper - you can see it in the scans as well. This test report describes the test object as we have received and tested it. The scanning times are longer when scanning negatives instead of positives. Digital ICE (Image Correction & Enhancement) removes dust, scratches and fingerprints from scanned images, Digital ROC (Reconstruction Of Color) recreates and restores faded color values for vivid, faithfully rendered images, Digital GEM (Grain Equalization & Management) equalizes image grain for sharp, clear images with no clumping or graininess, Digital DEE (Dynamic Exposure Extender) helps reveal details lost in shadows and highlights, New Scan Image Enhancer for one-touch image correction, Optional SLIDE FEEDER SF-210 for up to 50 mounted slides, Optional ROLL FILM ADAPTER SA-30 for uncut film rolls of up to 40 frames, Layout-free design lets users position the scanner vertically or horizontally to best meet their individual requirements, Driver software Nikon Scan 4 features an intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) that enables easy, comprehensive scanner control, Easy Scanning Guide CD-ROM helps users setup and operate the scanner, Nikon View Software for simplified viewing and archiving of scanned images. Additionally you'll get a film drum which is attached to the backside of the scanner. Those who have five different Nikon scanners of different generations on their desktop (like me) will be very happy about not having to install every single driver separately. An image scanned with the Scan Image Enhancer in fact appears better than a standard scan, but this advantage is leveled out by the following image editing though. It's amazing how fast an index scan is performed: in one minute the index images of a whole 36 frames film roll appear on your screen. A system with more than the minimum amount of memory is recommended. The Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED possesses a powerful autofocus tool. When unpacking the scanners it became already clear that Nikon has rationalised: two identical boxes with different labelling, same wrapping and packaging inside, the same film adaptor, same connection cable, same software and even the same user guide - only the scanners are different, but not formally. Second is the scanner's expandability with several optional film adaptors. For scanning such film material you can only use the strip film holder FH-3, which was supplied in shipment with the predecessors, but has to be purchased separately now. Sign in or create an account to access your information. In Germany too some dealers offered consumers Nikon's filscanners for lower prices than a normal specialist dealer could buy them for directly from Nikon. After all a new slide feeder SF-210 came out at the same time like the Super Coolscan 5000 ED. With the predecessor SF-200 batch scanning paperboard mounted slides was nearly impossible, because the transport slider drew in 1-4 slides at once. That's great! The roll film adaptor SA-30 is made for people who want to scan whole rolls of film. And there is one more reason for the expensive full version: the Elements version can only process an image file with a colour depth of 16 bit if it is previously converted into 8 bit. Naturally the resolution and the settings of the scan software are important factors. You can particularly see it with discerning twilight or night shots. You'll even have more fun with your Nikon 5000 if you're going to scan mounted slides with the feeder SF-210 or whole film rolls with the SA-30. After all ist's responsible for the automatic film transport. It's clear that you can't fix too much with the image editing software if already the first link of this chain is weak. If two slides get stuck the metal bar prevents them being both drawn into the scanner simultanenously. With the old Nikon 4000 the strip film holder FH-3 was yet included in delivery. Converting the raw data into image data takes a lot of computing time, filters like ICE are computationally very intensive, but also saving big files on your hard disc drive can be decisive. I can't tell if this is a software bug or serves a purpose. Nikon supplies a threepart software bundle with the filmscanners: Some owners of a Nikon digital camera will ask themselves "What's Nikon View doing with a Nikon filmscanner?" The strip film holder FH-3 is not included in shipment anymore, although it is an indispensible accessory for scanning film strips and single frames. A lot of stars, dust (in space, not on the image) and clouds disappear. ICE works perfectly with the Nikon 5000: dust, scratches, fingerprints, lint etc. The full version can load, process and save image files with 16 bit per colour channel. In a scan with a colour depth of 16 Bit there can easily be 2000 shades of grey between black and dark grey - and that makes up the image quality. The scanner is digitising single slides so quickly in every process (auto focus, exposure, preview, fine scan), that it does not pay off to leave the workplace. But you can move the metal bar during scan mode. This strip film holder was previously supplied with the Nikon 35mm film scanners LS-40ED / LS-4000ED but now it has to be purchased separately as optinal accessory for the new Coolscan 5 and Super Coolscan 5000. Strongly curled film strips as well can not be processed with the SA-21. In such cases, after the index scan which tried to split up the single frames of a film strip automatically, it's hand time: you can set up the image position with the Nikon software using the menu item "Scanner Extras". Overall I can say that the slide feeder SF-210 is a worthwhile purchase for people who have to digitise thousands of slides. Nikon recommends having as much free disk space as possible when running Nikon Scan. Due to the spring lock such problematic film strips can be firmly fixed in the strip film holder and scanned frame by frame. In my opinion it's rather a matter of personal prefernce which program you choose. A good image is first of all made by a good film scanner, second by the scan software and third by the following image editing. Using an USB 1.1 port instead of the 2.0 version considerably extends scanning time, mainly when working with the highest resolution. Nikon specifies a slide thickness between 1mm (0,04in.) In a colour picture 16 bits per colour channel mean a total of 248 different colours, which come up to the almost unimaginable number of 256 trillion colours. This effect appears every now and then - I couldn't find the reason yet. I think this sales policy is regrettable, because in my opinion this is not optional but necessary accessory. There is a special setting for Kodachromes in the scan software, and only with this setting the colours match the originals. Now it's getting exotic but by no means unrealistic. An image like this can be slightly lightended either directly with the scan software or afterwards with an image editing software. When scanning negatives transporting times always add to the scanning times. There is another step backward concerning the scan software. This site has been translated from German into English and serves for a better understanding for the English speaking visitors of our website. In my opinion a very reasonable feature - but scanning then takes a lot of time.

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nikon super coolscan 5000 ed

nikon super coolscan 5000 ed