Men are not given the cinched waist or corset look, even though the High Tension Tummy Tuck is performed. However, unlike other surgeons that might only quote their own fee, Dr. Kraus quoted price is comprehensive and includes the surgeons fee, the operating facility fee and the anesthesiologists fee. For this reason, you should be at or slightly above your ideal body-weight before undergoing tummy tuck surgery. She also went over all my pre-op instructions to make sure I was ready for the day of my surgery. The faja was made with a stronger material that had less stretch, so it was able to compress the abdomen better. Its important that you are comfortable with the procedure, the expected results, and any complications that may occur. This will create noticeable, but mild results. This information is then used to determine whether the patient is a good fit for tummy tuck. I say tentatively because there were still a few more steps that had to be completed before it would be time for my surgery. After a bit the anesthesiologist came in to meet with me and ask his questions and answer any questions that I may have had. Your surgery will be fully customized, giving you the best tummy tuck Miami. We do NOT offer free consultations Depending on age, some skin may tighten again, but, in most cases, a tummy tuck will be necessary, as it can guarantee results that simply wont come about through lifestyle choices. FL This type of tummy tuck has a very specific target area: loose skin and muscles under the belly button area. In addition, several financing options are available. So, I took a seat and pulled out my phone to try and beat a few levels of Candy Crush. There were times during my recovery when I would ask myself if I had made the right choice, or if I had put myself through all this pain and discomfort for the wrong reasons. Dr. Shaddix is a double-board certified plastic surgery with extensive experience with the tummy tuck procedure. While its possible to tone muscle and reduce fat with exercise, the loose skin, stretch marks, and separated or tightened muscles are impossible to restore naturally. As important as it was for me to have an amazing doctor to perform my tummy tuck, I also wanted to ensure that the facility where I would be having the procedure was a quality and reputable location. This particular facility and Doctor had a lot of additional fees that would be added on top of the base price, which increased the total cost beyond what I was comfortable to pay. He told me that I would feel a warmth in my arm after he administered the anesthesia and possibly a sour taste in my mouth. It aims to give a taut, trim abdomen. One of the only complaints about this process was that the consultation room was so cold, and the paper gown didnt do much for keeping me warm. The doctor will show you before and after pictures of different procedures to give you an idea of what can be accomplished. To schedule your consultation, call our office or fill out our consultation form below! Bay Harbor Islands, This involves tightening the underlying muscles, removing loose skin, and improving the overall contour. You should arrange to take about two weeks off from work or your everyday schedule after tummy tuck surgery. By this time, I was still a little swollen, but aside from that I was feeling good and was allowed to start exercising again. No matter which type of tummy tuck you are undergoing, Dr. Shaddix does everything he can to ensure your incisions are placed in well concealed areas such as below the bikini line. I had thought about doing it at the same time as my tummy tuck, but I was so anxious about having such a major surgery that I didnt want to put my body through too much at one time. My intention was not to make myself into a bikini model or set up unattainable expectations, but rather to be happy and comfortable in my own skin, which I hadnt felt in a very long time. For this technique, an incision is made from hip to hip, with another around the belly button. Dr. Salomon can perform abdominoplasty to remove excess skin and sculpt a figure that reflects your new lifestyle. He also explained to me what the recovery would be like and what the steps in the recovery process would be. LEAD Member for Five Consecutive YearsDr. The doctor encourages her patients to ask any questions and to bring up any concerns they might have. Due to the large separation in my abdominal muscles and the extra fat and skin in my lower abdomen if I was going to go through with this, I was going to need a full abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. It is absolutely essential that you only trust your surgery to a highly experienced abdominoplasty surgeon in Miami. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will explain the tummy tuck procedure, and the results that can be expected by the procedure. To find out more information about what you can expect and determine if you are a candidate for surgery, call Shaddix Plastic Surgery today. I made it into the house and headed to my room where my recliner chair had been relocated from the living room as that was where I would be spending my first few days of recovery. The skin is pulled down and any excess is removed. This should settle down after a few days and resolve completely within 2 to 6 months. Jlio Xavier Da Silva, N. Dr. Shaddix performs the tummy tuck procedure with the use of general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Who you choose for your plastic surgery procedure is the most important decision you will make. Once all the markings were complete, the medical assistant went ahead and got me hooked up to my IV and, they asked me if I had any questions or concerns that I wanted to ask before we headed to the operating room. She will also examine the abdomen to determine skin elasticity, excess skin, and muscle strength. When I was finally called back to begin my pre-op appointment, it was the same medical assistant that I met with at my first appointment, and she took me into a private room and gave me another lovely paper gown to change into. Some still feel like they are carrying. At the end of everything, I looked back and asked, was it worth it? Yes, I was nervous and scared about making such a big decision, but the results are permanent and has had nothing but positive impacts on my life since the day I had my surgery. Email: That was a huge accomplishment for me, and I was so proud to be able to be on a public beach in a bikini and feel so confident and comfortable in my skin and I couldnt have been happier with my decision. After a mini abdominoplasty you will have neither a scar around the umbilicus nor any possibility of a vertical scar. The horizontal scar above the pubic hairline will be shorter than the scar after a full abdominoplasty. Redness, thickness, and some widening of these scars to a variable extent will occur once you return to normal activities. Incisions placed in high-tension areas (i.e. The doctor will perform a full examination, to determine if youre healthy enough to undergo surgery. Dr. Salomon has been through similar consultations with hundreds of patients in the past. Dr. Krau will prescribe oral pain medication to take if you need it. You will be given a local or general anesthesia, and then the incision will generally run from hip to hip. Setting up the consultation appointments was easy enough, so I felt that this was a good sign in my decision to move forward. When I returned to work a week after my surgery, I still had to take it easy and wasnt able to move very fast as I was still healing, and my drains were still in place. I just made sure to get up from my desk every once and awhile and do a short walk in the hallway, and I wore a lot of loose dresses that wouldnt irritate me incision or where the drains were placed. On week two of recovery I went back to see Dr. Ortega and my healing was progressing well with no infection and minimal swelling. We provide our patients with an opportunity to look through before and after photos of actualtummy tuckpatients. I had my husband take me to my first follow up appointment where Dr. Ortega check my incision and drains and the amount of fluids, I was draining to make sure that everything was looking good and that I didnt have any infection. In reality, it made me feel more relaxed and comfortable to have his medical assistant in the room. The tummy tuck is a highly customizable procedure, ensuring that your unique concerns are addressed with the least invasion possible. The incisions are then closed using dissolvable sutures. Tummy tuck procedure is good for anyone on who is in a good health and who feels that their abdomen is large or ill shaped. Your distinctive appearance will be addressed and become the focus of all of our attention. Throughout your recovery process, it is important to keep your incisions clean and dry and be sure to follow all post-op care instructions provided to you. If this is the only area that is needed, it can produce the results desired. 33154, Office Hours: Mon 9:00am to 5:00pm Tues 9:00am to 5:00pm Wed 9:00am to 5:00pm Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm, 2022 Ary Krau, M.D. Some of the sculpting results of tummy tuck surgery are noticeable immediately. His overwhelmingly positive customer testimonials will inspire confidence as you begin your consultation. I headed to my third and final location for my consultation and without any knowledge on my part I had saved the best for last. Her response was that the Doctor was busy with multiple cases today and that they will call me when they can see me. Tummy tuck costs vary slightly from patient to patient, depending on the complexity of the persons anatomical needs and surgical goals. Meticulous surgical techniques and years of experience will leave you with the body that you have worked hard to create. It is meant to trim significant excess skin from the abdominal area, while tightening the abdominal muscles and removing fat. Patients might opt for a tummy tuck procedure if they experience: Candidates for the tummy tuck are those who want to restore and enhance their abdominal contour. Though any surgical procedure carries some risk, rest assured that you lower the risk of complications by working with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Krau. After spending quite some time with Dr. Ortega I was feeling more and more confident about electing him as the surgeon to perform my surgery. You could not be in better hands! Your consultation will be compassionate, based on facts and evidence, and completely tailored to your needs. I was greeted by friendly staff whom were all very helpful and I only had to wait for 35 minutes to be seen by the Doctor. I was taken back into a consultation room and given a paper gown to change into. I didnt think that it would given the fact that another person would be seeing my problem areas and in my head passing judgement on my inability to get a flat stomach, but that couldnt have been farther from the truth. I went for my first consultation and was so excited to be taking this first step in my journey to feel myself again, however, that feeling did not last long once I was inside the first stop on my consultation rounds. Deciding to undergo abdominoplasty is a major step. Once this was completed, I was able to make another appointment with Spectrum Aesthetics to complete the cardiogram and blood work that were required as part of the clearance as well. Dr. Tom Trevisani, MD Orlando, FL, Voted Best Plastic Surgeon and is currently certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. I remember falling back asleep once I was able to sit in the wheelchair and woke up again once I had been wheeled to the car where the nurse and my husband worked to get me into the car. Virtual Consultation and Electronic Submission Form is accepted exclusively for Out Of Town Patients who reside more than 50 miles from our office in Orlando, Florida. Wash with an antibacterial soap(such as Dial) for one week prior to surgery to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin as much as possible. Natural Talent and Superior TechniqueDr. When is tummy tuck surgery a better treatment option than liposuction of the abdomen? Dr. Thomas Trevisani removes Excess Skin. I felt that even though the staff and the Doctor themselves were nice, I didnt like that I felt a lot of pressure to do other procedures than what I had initially gone in for, and to be honest the cost was a lot more than I had anticipated and budgeted for. Dont feel comfortable with the appearance of your stomach, Understand the realistic results and limitations of a tummy tuck. You will be sore, swollen and bruised. After this, there would be follow up appointments at 6 weeks, and 3 months. You can expect some discomfort, especially in the first few days after your procedure. Here at Celebrities Choice Cosmetic Surgery in Orlando, Florida, it is our goal to ensure optimal results for all plastic surgery procedures. Once they told me to breath out both Dr. Ortega and the nurse slowly started to pull the drains out. She also went over with my husband how to change the dressings around my drains and my incision and how to properly tighten the binder, so that when I showered at home, he would be able to help me put the clean dressings and binder back on. Many of these centers have enticing offers with lower costs or easier financing terms, however, with them comes greater risks. To report any corrections, please, Copyright 2020 Celebrities Choice Cosmetic Surgery, Click Here to read artical and see part 2 of the video, Dr Thomas Trevisani Over 30 years in the industry, Bilateral Breast Augmentation Operating Room, Rhinoplasty achieving the best looking nose, SGAP Buttock Lift/Liposuction Operating Room Video, What is Board Certification in Plastic Surgery, Real Self Videos Dr. Thomas Trevisani, MD, Voted Best Cosmetic Surgery Orlando Sentinel 2019, RealSelf Patient Reviews of Thomas Trevisani, MD. I decided to go check in again with the woman at the front and find out if there was any update. By no means am I saying that anyone should only consider the cheapest plans or procedures, but I had a limit of what I could pay which I knew to be realistic based on the research I had done. He asked me why I was there and what I was looking to have done. These concerns can arise due to pregnancy and childbirth, age, weight loss, or other factors. Throughout his career, the doctor has worked with eminent surgeons in the field of plastic surgery and body sculpting. The doctor will remove mild excess skin and fat. Dr. Krau believes that to get the most aesthetically pleasing outcome with an easier recovery, its best to perform combination liposuction and little surgical undermining. Dr. Shaddix customizes the procedure to meet your unique needs and uses the latest techniques to deliver satisfying results. He also tightens weakened or separated abdominal muscles and stitches them into place. Following him Dr. Ortega came in with the same medical assistant from my previous appointments and they started marking me up for the surgery. As he spoke to me, I could feel the warmth climb up my arm and then felt a strange sensation in the back of my throat and then I was out. It can take two or three weeks to get back to your daily routine. Dr. Ortega was also able to recommend some care tips for the incision post-op and that he would check it regularly on my post-op appointments to ensure that it was healing properly. It wasnt until after my surgery, and the healing that I started to feel like my pre-baby self, and I had forgotten what that felt like. The scar is similar to that of a c-section and is placed low on the tummy, except mine would be twice the size given the fact that my tummy tuck would be hip to hip. Week 3 and 4 were full of more healing and slowly starting to feel more like myself again. Once there is a gap, you may look bloated, even when you are maintaining a healthy weight range. For this reason, individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies may be advised to postpone a tummy tuck. Even as you regain your health and tighten your muscles, that stretched, excess skin will remain. Within one week of surgery, you will have a follow-up visit with the doctor. What should I wear the day of surgery? Swimsuit styles change with the years. I have never been model material, but I always maintained a healthy body weight and was comfortable in my own skin, up until I got pregnant. If you have dropped a significant amount of weight on your own or through gastric bypass or Lap Band surgery, a Fleur Des Lys Tummy Tuck may be right for you. Then 3 weeks after surgery Ill meet with the medical assistant again to go over scar treatment and check on my healing progress. Living longer, living better and looking our best has become an essential component of modern times. I understand that when someone hears the phrase tummy tuck it can sound really scary; I mean it took me 5 years to finally take that step to move forward and commit to making the decision to do this for myself. Everything from the surgical procedure to the anesthesiologist process, and even specific medications, will be discussed. How much time will I need to take off from work or my usual activity following abdominoplasty? During this time, you should rest as much as possible and avoid rigorous activity, including exercising and heavy lifting. Also, an abdominoplasty surgery cannot correct stretch marks. The skin may settle and tighten on its own, but the extent of this is minimal and age is a factor. After my previous consultations you can imagine that my anxiety had started to set in thinking that Id have a repeat of my first disastrous consult. Drainage tubes will be inserted to let excess fluid drain. It will remove excess fat, tighten the central abdominal muscles, and removes fat. The tummy tuck can take some weight off by removing a significant amount of excess skin and tissue, however, the procedure should only be performed on patients who are within their ideal weight range. Most people can return to work within 1 to 2 weeks. I would highly recommend her to anyone. Waking up from the surgery was groggy and I just felt like I wanted to keep sleeping. Once the drains were removed, the nurse cleaned the area where the drains were inserted and then dressed the area with clean gauze and antibacterial cream. Forabdominoplasty in MiamiOur surgeons will discuss your incision lines with you and plan the incision to accommodate, within limits, different clothing and bathing suit styles. There are different types of injections used that generally contain enzymes and other medications based on your specific needs. We honor, embrace and celebrate that. She goes out of her way to please her patients and her skilled surgical technique is an art form. How large and noticeable is the scar afterward?Scars from a tummy tuck generally run the full length between a patients hips, but these scars are placed very low on the stomach so that they can be covered by typical undergarments. Dr. Krau meets with all potential tummy tuck candidates to discuss the procedure and get a better idea of their specific body contouring needs. Patients who have achieved massive weight loss may also have other medical issues that need to be considered before a surgical plan is developed. The abdomen is a problem area for many people. If we are not taking care of ourselves, how can we best care for our family. We proudly serve Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Destin, Fort Walton, and all of Northwest Florida and the Gulf Coast. I wore a bikini that summer after my surgery for the first time in 9 years. I went and sat back down. Once the healing process is complete, patients can enjoy a flatter, more-toned abdominal area with the removal of excess skin and tissue. For this reason, you might need help around the house or with young children during this time. Contact our Central Florida office today to get information on all the procedures we offer. For women who have been through pregnancy and childbirth, becoming comfortable again is a long and uphill struggle. Obviously, this was not starting out as I had hoped and anticipated my first consultation would go. The procedure only addresses the tissue below the belly button leaving the belly button and upper abdominal area intact. Although I cant speak to all these facilities personally, it is their common practice to offer such discounts and offers due to the inexperience of their staff or because their staff may not actually be qualified for the job they are performing. For anyone who lives here in Miami, you know that the above can be easier said then done given the vast number of plastic surgery centers that seem to pop up regularly around here. Exercise can tighten the paired rectus muscles, but it will not fuse them again. Dr. Ortega was great at easing my concerns and even worked with me to customize the exact location for where my incision would be so that once healed it would be covered by underwear or bathing suit bottom once healed. He suggested that a week or so before I had my procedure to lay in the sun with a bathing suit that I would want to wear after my surgery so that I would have a tan line for him to work from. I definitely took that advice since not only did I want my scar to be in a location where it could be concealed, but also because I knew that it would be sometime post-surgery before I would be able to lay out in the sun and relax again. The constant pressure was also supposed to help with the healing of the scar and help it to lighten in color once it healed. The first few days of tummy tuck recovery will be the toughest. When you step through our door you embark on a very unique journey. Next thing I knew an hour had passed and I still hadnt been called to see the Doctor for my consultation. As a significant surgical procedure, recovery is not trivial. Once I finished with Dr. Ortega, I asked to see the room where the surgery will be performed, since its done onsite at the doctors surgical center rather than in a hospital. The incision is placed low enough to ensure the scarring is able to be easily concealed by normal undergarments. The exact procedure, how much to remove, and the scar location are all important decisions to be made. The extended tummy tuck is the most extensive technique, involving not only the upper and lower abdominal, but around to the sides and flanks as well. The costs of an abdominoplasty procedure can vary due to which tummy tuck is appropriate for you, if you require Liposuction, and or other procedures at the same time. Its more than just the cosmetic difference that is important. Todos os direitos reservados. Another benefit I had to help me in assisting with my decision that was 4 years in the making, was social media. However, there are still limitations up to six weeks, and for some patients even longer. During a full tummy tuck, the belly button is repositioned after tightening. How long will I have to wait after my surgery before Im allowed to shower? Again, this was accompanied by shockwaves of pain, but once I was comfortably situated and no longer need to move the pain subsided and I fell asleep again. I was full of excitement and ready to check off another task on my to do list leading up to my tummy tuck. At this time, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will examine the rest of your body to discuss with you any other areas of concern you might have. Our surgeons may remove some unwanted fat deposits to give you the desirable shape. Other problem areas like the upper thighs can also be treated. Even with regular, vigorous exercise and a strict diet of clean foods, you may not be able to eliminate excess fat and loose skin. In simple terms, a tummy tuck can restore a flat stomach, but esteemed surgeon Dr. Jhonny Salomon takes things a step further. Are there any potential side effects or complications from the surgery?As with any form of surgery, complications arising from a tummy tuck are possible, but very rare. If you have any questions about abdominoplasty pleasesend us your questionsor call our office directly. Krau is well known for delivering beautiful breast surgery results with less scarring and a sexier breast shape. 1088 Parque Cidade Nova, Mogi Guau SP, Cep: 13845-416. Some people only have an excess of skin and fat in the lower abdomen and therefore dont require the muscle tightening in those with abdominal muscle laxity. This is sometimes called a mini-abdominoplasty. Im not going to lie; this was not an easy task and I was never 100% comfortable with my body after having kids. Pregnancy can also put pressure on the abdominal wall, which then separates the rectus muscles that go from just below your rib cage, all the way down to your pubic bone. You need to remember that this is a major surgery and you will need to take it easy. Many patients who choose to undergo abdominoplasty will also have concerns surrounding a loose or full feeling vulva. The doctor will also go over alternatives to tummy tuck surgery. Having a flat stomach and a cinched waist can elude many women. After going through any other questions, I wanted to ask him, he did an exam and talked about his exact approach with the procedure and the results I should expect. An incision around the belly button may also be required. It felt so great to finally be free of the drains. Injections can help dissolve fat and flatten the abdomen. I needed to know that once my surgery was over that my care wouldnt end there, but rather continue all throughout my recovery and healing stages as well. Another key role in my selection of who would perform my surgery was also the anesthesiologist. While Dr. Shaddix will do everything he can to ensure successful results during the procedure process, its up to you to ensure a successful recovery. Then finally came the day for my pre-op appointment. I waited about 48 hours and then received an email informing me that all my tests had come back clean and that I was cleared for surgery. It was one of the strangest things I had heard, but it definitely worked. I walked away from my consultation feeling confident with his experience and with my worries and concerns put to ease. Liposuction techniques are often utilized during the extended tummy tuck, removing pockets of stubborn fat from the tummy and flanks. Scarring is minimized thanks to advanced surgical techniques that can only come with experience, research, and successful results. This requires an incision that goes around each hip as well as a round incision around the belly button for repositioning. The name of this plastic surgery procedure is tummy tuck. This is frequently associated with abnormal relaxation of the abdominal wall muscles (divarication). It felt as if there was a snake wrapped through my abdomen and that as they pulled out the drains it was making its way out of my body. After pregnancy, it is impossible for your skin to naturally return to the state it was previously in. Of course, I also looked at various online reviews of not only the doctor but the facility they worked out of as well. A few moments later, she came back and started with the process of taking my pre-op pictures so that I would be able to see the difference once my procedure was done and healing had begun. The results of a tummy tuck can offer a long-lasting enhancement, but like other contouring procedures, what you do after can affect your results. For this technique, one incision is made above the pubic area. He has been featured on Major Television Networks such as The Discovery Health Channel, Telemundo and NBC. with Dr. Kyle shaddix - double board certified plastic surgeon. The nurse also gave me a foam insert that I could wear under the faja that would help with shaping my waist better. However, it takes about three to five months for the final results to become actualized, as this is how long it takes for the body to heal completely and for any residual swelling to improve. United States (USA) His mannerisms, professionalism, and caring personality made me so sure inmy decision to go with Dr. Ortega. Dressing will be placed on the area of incision to protect you from infection. If you have had a significant amount of weight loss, a body lift can help not only lift, firm, and trim excess skin and fat from the stomach, but also from the buttocks and thighs. It creates a corset type of look. It is not necessarily a surgical procedure to reduce some amount of weight, but it only makes your abdomen firm.
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