zeugma literary definition

Definition Zeugma, from a Greek word meaning "yoke," features the omission of a verb or surprising use of the same verb, creating a striking yoking of two nouns: A light-hearted look at Greek figures of rhetoric. Zeugma Definition. Zeugma, from Greek meaning “yoking” or “bonding,” is a figure of speech in which a word, usually a verb or an adjective, applies to more than one noun, blending together grammatically and logically different ideas. For instance, in the sentence, “John lost his coat and his temper,” the verb “lost” applies to both... An example of a zeugma is, “She broke his car and his heart.”. Below is the full list of literary tropes. Chiasmus Definition. A zeugma is a literary term for using one word to modify two other words, in two different ways. Kairos What is the meaning of Zeugma in literature? – Similar Answers September 22, 2020 by Sean Glatch 28 Comments. Definition: Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which things or ideas are represented in an exaggerated way, and that is why this is known as Exaggeration, too. The sentence "She has all my love; my heart belongs to her," is an example of chiasmus. Glossary of Rhetorical Terms. Personification is one of the many literary devices writers use to make their writing more engaging. Zeugma is a rhetorical device by which a single word is made to refer to two or more words. However, such solecisms are sometimes not errors but intentional … A distant cousin of a transferred epithet, z eugma is a rhetorical term for the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words although its use may be grammatically or logically correct with only one. What is zeugma? How is it used It’s easy to find examples of this device in literature as well as in everyday conversations. Information and translations of zeugma in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It is not used to produce any comic effect. By definition, grammatical syllepsis will often be grammatically "incorrect" according to traditional grammatical rules. Allegory. Zeugma - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com According to Literary Devices, zeugma is a figure of speech in which a word, usually a verb or an adjective, applies to more than one noun. An example of a zeugma is, “She broke his car and his heart.” When you use one word to link two thoughts, you're using a zeugma. - Motel from motor and hotel - Brunch from breakfast and lunch - Podcast from iPod and broadcast Term: Zeugma Definition: A literary term for using one word to modify two other words, in two different ways. When used well, it can create thoughtful, creative, and sometimes funny sentences and images. Literary syllepsis. A zeugma is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase joins together two distinct parts of a sentence. Get out of my dreams and into my car. iPhone. A zeugma is the act of using a word, particularly an adjective or verb, to apply to more than one noun when its sense is appropriate to … Zeugma is a literary device which requires mixing a word (most often verb or adjective) with several nouns that have controversial meaning and are grammatically different. Personification can be used for countless subjects and literary forms from poetry to screenwriting. — Ad Herennium. Zeugma Definition. There are a few different definitions of zeugma that illustrate the ways in which this figure of speech works. The figure by which a single subject governs several verbs or verbal constructions (usually arranged in parallel fashion and expressing a similar idea); the opposite of zeugma. You’re welcome! This glossary came to us from our late colleague Ross Scaife, who encountered it during his graduate studies at the University of Texas. A zeugma is a literary term for using one word to modify two other words, in two different ways. The best-selling Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (formerly the Concise dictionary) provides clear, concise, and often witty definitions of the most troublesome literary terms from abjection to zeugma. For example, a metonymy for the movies is “silver screen,” a term that was coined because movies were traditionally shown on a theater screen. There are a few different definitions of zeugma that illustrate the ways in which this figure of speech works. The zeugma is an interesting literary device that uses one word to refer to two or more different things, in more than one way. Aestheticism European literary movement, with its roots in France, that was predominant in the 1890’s. Referring to the term “zeugma,” one should mention that the concept itself came from the old Greek language. Allegories are often used to explain morals or political situations. This one's a bit tricky, so we'll lead with some examples: He was alternately cudgeling his brains and his donkey. A construction in which one word or phrase is understood to fill a parallel syntactic role in two or more clauses or phrases, as with the verb was in She was upstairs, and her husband downstairs. in art or literature." A zeugma is an important device used in literature. Definition of zeugma. And so color imagery is -- you guessed it -- appealing to the senses using color. Zeugma definition: a figure of speech in which a word is used to modify or govern two or more words although... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Also the Collin English Dictionary reports … Zeugma may refer to: Zeugma and syllepsis, figures of speech. Other common literary devices include synecdoches, metaphor, and onomatopoeia. When you use one word to link two thoughts, you're using a zeugma. Zeugma (Commagene), an ancient settlement in Commagene (eastern Anatolia) Zeugma (Dacia), an ancient settlement in Dacia, mentioned by Ptolemy. The word in question is usually a verb or adjective, although it is also sometimes a noun. Paralipsis comes from the Greek “paraleipein,” meaning to “omit.” It is an interesting literary device that sounds more complicated than it actually is. We found one answer for “Zeugma” . Advertisement Zeugma Definition As this word origin suggests, zeugmas connect two different meanings of the same word together, setting them side-by-side to surprise, delight, or confuse audiences. Some literary experts distinguish a zeugma from a syllepsis by insisting that in a zeugma, only one of the two thoughts should make literal or grammatical … by 4 shaban 2022 date near hamburg. It is an interesting literary device that uses one word to refer to two or more different things, in more than one way. First published in February 2006 by Meghan Beresford and Tomasz Mrozewski, Zeugma has grown to publish 400 copies per quarter, and includes primarily Canadian content, with a number of international items. Common literary devices, such as metaphors and similes, are the building blocks of literature, and what make literature so enchanting. The Romans destroyed Numantia, razed Carthage, obliterated Corinth, overthrew Fregellae. Zeugma. Latin rhetoricians further divide the diazeugma according to the placement of the subject and verbs. Syllepsis definition, the use of a word or expression to perform two syntactic functions, especially to modify two or more words of which at least one does not agree in number, case, or gender, as the use of are in Neither he nor we are willing. The Collin English Dictionary reports syllepsis means: (in grammar or rhetoric) the use of a single sentence construction in which a verb, adjective, etc is made to cover two syntactical functions, as the verb form have in "she and they have promised to come.". Chiasmus is a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect. Asyndeton (ah-SIN-di-ton) is the deliberate omission of a coordinating conjunction between words or phrases in literature or any written speech.. Zeugmas will either confuse the reader or inspire them to think more deeply. It denied that art needed to have any utilitarian purpose and focused on the slogan “art for art’s sake.” The doctrines of aestheticism were introduced to England by Walter Pater and can be found in the plays of Oscar Wilde… A literary trope utilizes figurative language to create an artistic image. A zeugma is a phrase where a single verb is linked to more than one noun to combine phrases that are logically or grammatically different. Easy Examples of Zeugma Metonymy is a literary device wherein you refer to an idea or object by using another idea or object closely associated with that word. Syllepsis. From allegory to zeugma, here’s a comprehensive list of 29 literary techniques to analyse any written text. In the literal sense, metonymy means “a change of name.”. See more. For instance, in the sentence, “John lost his coat and his temper,” the verb “lost” applies to both the nouns “coat” and “temper.”. Chris Renaud gave it to him, stating that it originated with Ernest Ament of Wayne State University. Zeugma | Definition, Characteristics, Examples in Literature ZEUGMA Definition Zeugma is a figure in which a verb (or an adjective) is applied to two nouns, though it … Read more zeugma (n.) 1. use of a word to govern two or more words though appropriate to only one "`Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave' is an example of zeugma" The bestselling Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms provides clear and concise definitions of the most troublesome literary terms, from abjection to zeugma. Syllepsis. Zeugmas will either confuse the … Thus, when he admires a thing, he often crosses the […] Adjective: zeugmatic . definitions - Zeugma report a problem. The result is a series of similar phrases joined or yoked together by a common and implied noun or verb. Learn more about zeugmas through several examples. Preliminary Literary terms for Of Mice and Men All page number references are from the 1993 Penguin Books edition. syllepsis: [noun] the use of a word to modify or govern syntactically two or more words with only one of which it formally agrees in gender, number, or case. It is a favorite literary device of Shakespeare's and it demonstrates his command of the English language. Definition, Usage and a list of Chiasmus Examples in common speech and literature. When you use one word to link two thoughts, you're using a zeugma. Clear definition and great examples of Villain. Literary Terms and Definitions: Z. ma (zo͞og′mə) n. 1. Grammatical syllepsis (sometimes also called zeugma): where a single word is used in relation to two other parts of a sentence although the word grammatically or logically applies to only one. Zeugma and syllepsis. In rhetoric, zeugma (/ˈzjuːɡmə/ (listen); from the Ancient Greek ζεῦγμα, zeûgma, lit. "a yoking together") and syllepsis (/sɪˈlɛpsɪs/; from the Ancient Greek σύλληψις, sullēpsis, lit. "a taking together") are figures of speech in which one single phrase or word joins different parts of a sentence. Example: "He took his hat and his leave." A zeugma employs both ellipsis, the omission of words which are easily understood, and parallelism, the balance of several words or phrases. Zeugma is a figure in which a verb (or an adjective) is applied to two nouns, though it is strictly appropriate to only one of them but not to the other so that another suitable verb (or adjective) should be mentally supplied to the latter for the proper understanding of its meaning. A zeugma is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase joins together two distinct parts of a sentence. Diazeugma as a noun means A zeugma where a single subject governs multiple verbs .. zeugma. ma (zo͞og′mə) n. 1. The subject appears at the beginning of the sentence and each verb follows in its respective clause. It originates from the Greek word “trepein,” which means “to turn, to alter, to change.” Tropes change the usual meaning of words to convey a vivid picture or description. Vicit pudorem libido timorem audacia rationem amentia. The OED, in the definition of syllepsis reports that's another term for zeugma.. Symbol is using an object or action that means something more than its literal meaning. Vocabulary terms are listed alphabetically. It had the meaning “bonding.” The type of figure is grammatically correct but creates its effect by seeming, at first hearing, to be incorrect by its exploiting multiple shades of meaning in a single word or … He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men. We found one answer for “Zeugma” . They are clever literary devices that are almost pun-like. zeugma. Zeugma. There is a passion in man to exaggerate a thing or idea in order to impress others. Zeugma is often used to create a literary effect. Personification—Giving human traits (qualities, feelings, action, or characteristics) to non-living objects (things, colors, qualities, or ideas). un ejemplo de zeugma es la siguiente frase de Gracián: «Extrañó ella que un varón discreto viniese ya no solo, más sí tanto». Zeugma (literary journal) Zeugma is a literary journal published in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. What does zeugma mean? Here’s a quick and simple definition: Chiasmus is a figure of speech in which the grammar of one phrase is inverted in the following phrase, such that two key concepts from the original phrase reappear in the second phrase in inverted order. Zeugma Definition Zeugma, when used skillfully, produces a unique artistic effect, making the literary works more interesting and effective as it serves to adorn expressions, and to add emphasis to ideas in impressive style. What is a zeugma? This article will show you the importance of Villain and how to use it. Often, the governing word will mean something different when applied to each part, as in the sentence, "He took his coat and his vacation." Perhaps the best definition was given by Richard Seaver in his description of Jean-Paul Belmondo's performance in Alain Resnais' film, Stavisky : "Power in … The zeugma is an interesting literary device that uses one word to refer to two or more different things in more than one way. Prozeugma as a noun means A zeugma where the governing word occurs in the first clause of the sentence.. With personification, you emphasize a non-human’s characteristics by describing them with human attributes. Zeugma (often also called syllepsis, or semantic syllepsis): a single word is used with two other parts of a sentence but must be understood differently in relation to each. ma (zo͞og′mə) n. 1. Define diazeugma. Definition of zeugma in the Definitions.net dictionary. (with Examples) Zeugma is a figure of speech in which a single word joins two (or more) parts of a sentence. 2. An example of a zeugma is, “She broke his car and his heart.” For example, you could use the zeugma, "I lost my keys and my temper." Mesozeugma: A zeugma in which the yoke or governing word is in the middle of the sentence, between the governed parts. " He works nights, I days." By including these in writing, the author creates a stylistic effect that makes a piece of writing more interesting for the reader. The best-selling Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (formerly the Concise dictionary) provides clear, concise, and often witty definitions of the most troublesome literary terms from abjection to zeugma. : the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usually in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one (as in "opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy") This page shows answers to the clue Zeugma, followed by 8 definitions like “Zeugma (ə or ə; from the Ancient Greek ζεῦγμα”, “Use of a word to modify two or more words in different ways” and “(literary journal) Zeugma is a literary journal published in St”. Definition: A symbol is literary device that contains several layers of meaning, often concealed at first sight, and is representative of several other aspects, concepts or traits than those that are visible in the literal translation alone. Unlike a simile or a metaphor, an analogy is not a figure of speech, though the three are often quite similar. What is zeugma? Ross, in turn, added some additional examples. Zeugma Definition. Define prozeugma. Allegory. Zeugma (genus), a moth in tribe Cosymbiini. But all personification falls under the same definition. What are some examples of zeugmas in literature? Zeugma Systems, a telecommunications equipment supplier. Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms provides clear, concise, and often witty definitions of the most troublesome literary terms from abjection to zeugma. There are many types of zeugmas, but the most interesting uses a single verb to show a contrast between literal and figurative nouns. Zeugma is an interesting literary device that refers to examples of words with different meanings or interpretations.

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zeugma literary definition

zeugma literary definition