why do babies hands and feet turn blue?

Reply. Of the 1% to 2% of babies born with congenital defects, 10% are born with malformations to the hand. Many a times, blue hands and fingers is followed by bluish discoloration of lips, low pressure of blood, alterations in the heart rate, cold skin and a confused state of mind; all of which denote that there is something seriously wrong with the patient and … Hand Symptoms One foot symptom that is, however, linked to the health of your thyroid is cracked heels. Afterwards, … Why So now she's 5.5 months old and it still happens several times per day. No matter what the cause for blue hands and fingers is, it is imperative that you take such a problem seriously. In newborns, the circulatory system can take hours to days to fully develop. But sometimes their hands and feet turn blue just out of lack of coordination of the vessels. It is often not harmful (2). Raynaud Disease Newborn, purple feet Adults and children with peripheral cyanosis may experience the following symptoms: 1. Causes of Baby Skin Discoloration finally the smoke got to thick and we decided to take the dogs and go into town. As with erythromelalgia, doctors don’t know what causes Raynaud’s syndrome, but they believe that the blood vessels react in abnormal ways when the person is exposed to stress or cold temperatures. Babies that are 4 months of age are experimenting with active movement against gravity. Check the skin every so often … That’s why he’ll often put everything he can get his little hands on in his mouth. When Your Baby's Skin Looks Blue - WebMD Show Sources . For blue hands not associated with … Swollen and red hands and feet! Avoid getting the hands or feet wet when out in the cold. Its not only when she is cold. Hi. "Skin that is cracked over the heels is a classic sign of an underactive thyroid ," Platt says. DM Care, Wound Care, Surgeries 19 years experience. Multiple sclerosis. July 2010. in Babies: 0 - 3 Months. The blood vessels constrict, cutting off the blood supply, and fingers and toes turn blue, white, purple, or red. Without prompt medical treatment it can be fatal, sometimes within minutes. Try checking the palms of your baby's hands or the soles of his or her feet, where it may be easier to notice a yellow tinge. Why The discoloration can be splotchy or solid, and usually affects both hands and/or both feet at the same time. When bearing down to cry or having a bowel movement, an infant's skin temporarily may appear beet-red or bluish-purple. 21/02/2012 at 10:07 pm. The one she has been seeing seems to think everything is normal. Answer (1 of 2): There could be many reasons why your feet turn red when walking. The most bizarre example of this lack of coordination is a “harlequin color change.” ⁠ Occasionally and for no apparent reason, one side of a baby’s torso may simply turn blushing red and the other pale white. The result is physical and developmental changes in the child. Skin color changes are typically indicative of a circulation problem. Sometimes testing is required. If they do get wet, go inside and dry the skin. Immediate action required: Call 999 or go to A&E if: your or your child's lips, tongue, face or skin suddenly turn blue Rarely, affected parts may bleed, blister, or have skin breakdown. He seemed very lethargic just resting his head on my shoulder. When they are not, they often come as a surprise to parents. This turns the color of your hands and feet bluish. The blue color comes from the decrease in blood flow and oxygen moving through the narrowed vessels to your extremities (outer limbs). Acrocyanosis is common in newborns. Most other people with the condition are teens and young adults. Medicines. i remember one night our neighbors place caught fire and i turned the hose on our place in case it should spread (it didn't because we have totally awesome firefighters). What might cause a child to be born blue or with poor color? One of the causes of primary acrocyanosis is temperature changes causing a restriction of blood vessels, which may cause a temporary darkened (blue or purple) tint to the skin, particularly in the hands, feet, and legs. Blue coloration of fingers and hands is common in Raynaud’s disease. I Maybe worrying about nothing but if anybody can give me advise that would great. When a baby is first born, the skin is a dark red to purple color. See if you can have your toes always emerged in warm water in the tub when you are showering. 14Cracked heels: Underactive thyroid. Treatment. Purple hands may be symptomatic of a number of medical conditions, including peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, Raynaud's phenomenon, generalized anxiety disorder or vitamin B12 deficiency.

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why do babies hands and feet turn blue?

why do babies hands and feet turn blue?