solemn warning vs macro cosmos

6y. 5 yr. ago Retaliating "C" - Wikia, ($) Void Imagination - Wikia, ($) It's a slight difference, but a crucial one nonetheless. That can even shut down weird stuff like Interrupted Kaiju Slumber, Macro Cosmos, or Starlight Road. 2 points. But I read a ruling that Says Solemn warning can negate the activation of Macro Cosmos.Is this only when activating the special summon, or is it just some crappy ruling? On the one hand there'splenty of negation to go around already, including Solemn Strike, SolemnJudgment and the single copy of Solemn Warning we could already play.Justifying Solemn Warning over other Counter Traps or negation effectsisn't a simple calculation. 3x Macro Cosmos/ Al igual que la Soul Drain, nos servira para frenar Dark World o Atlantean Mermail sin perjudicarnos. Those can also shut down the Queen and Princess, without whom Madolches aren't particularly dangerous. Yugioh pro lessons ~Draco Drew~ The Blue Corner - Blog Station: 2012 Player B Chains with Solemn Warning to negate the activation of Macro Cosmos. 2022ace. 2 Macro Cosmos 2 Solemn Warning 2 Starlight Road 1 Solemn Judgment 1 Compulsory Evacuation Device 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Trap Dustshoot 1 Mind Crush 1 Return from the Different Dimension 1 Mirror Force. Similar ruling for reference: "You can Chain "Solemn Warning" to "Starlight Road" or "Macro Cosmos", even if there is no "Stardust Dragon" in the Extra Deck or no "Helios - The Primordial Sun" in the Deck." thanks for clarifying semi-limited (2 copies) card trooper chaos sorcerer lonefire blossom necroface reborn tengu summoner monk tragoedia advanced ritual art chain strike hieratic seal of convocation reasoning Deck Search Mentions in Other Rulings Round 1 Feature Match: Michael McTavish VS Tuan Pham Translating this into pure TCG isn't too difficult since you just need to get Solemn Notice replacements (which can just be MORE FUNGATES . 1 x Macro Cosmos 3 x Solemn Notice 1 x Solemn Warning . 1 Solemn Judgment 1 Macro Cosmos Side Deck: 1 Cyber Dragon 2 MST 2 Forbidden Lance 2 Macro Cosmos 2 Solemn Warning 2 Chain Disappearance 2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror 2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Extra Deck: 1 Trishula 3 Stardust Dragon 1 Scrap Dragon 1 Colossal Fighter 1 BRD 1 Blackwing Armor Master 3 Number 39 Utopia 2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon . To post a comment, please login or register a new account. As soon as I post this I'm logging on to DevPro to give it a shot. I can't think of one, but there may be one (Macro Cosmos/D-Fissure???). Macro Cosmos VS Solemn Warning - Forums FFF-G1: He opens t-set and I proceed to MST the facedown (It was a Solemn Warning). Solemn warning the activation of macro cosmos. 2-Macro cosmos. 3 . Link summon another monster summoned from their defence. Solemn Warning: You can Chain " Solemn Warning " to " Starlight Road " or " Macro Cosmos ", even if there is no " Stardust Dragon " in the Extra Deck or no " Helios - The Primordial Sun " in the Deck. 2 Seven Tools of the Bandit [/ccDeck] [ccDeck="Side Deck"] 1 Xyz Reborn. Solemn Scolding You can Chain " Solemn Warning " to " Starlight Road " or " Macro Cosmos ", even if there is no " Stardust Dragon " in the Extra Deck or no " Helios - The Primordial Sun " in the Deck. 2x Solemn Warning 2x Dimensional Prison 2x Macro Cosmos 2x Bottomless TrapHole 2x Fiendish Chain 1x Solemn Judgment 1x Starlight Road Side: 15 2x Thunder King Rai-Oh 2x Maxx "C" 2x Snowman Eater 1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 2x Nobleman of CrossOut 2x Soul Taker 1x Mystical Space Thyphoon 2x Dust Tornado 1x Macro Cosmos Extra: 15 2x Evolzar . It can be tough remembering all of the key . Macro Cosmos Vanity's Emptiness Interesting, after this fight, im going to make a deck around these cards, thanks for helping out. You can Normal Summon this monster. I do not know how is he here. Realizing after a tournament that you missed a draw off of Knightmare Phoenix or that you could have Solemn Warning'd a Macro Cosmos doesn't mean you're making an excuse; it just means you're addressing the areas of your game that need work. Now I can build Dino Heroes for legit AND I have a blinging side deck!-Helping a fellow Dragon enthusiast getting a start into play. Extra Deck: 15 1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth 1x Armory Arm 1x Colossal Fighter 1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon 1x Wind-Up Zenmaines 1x . DIno 1st Place July 2020 + Vs all meta. Hill Set a second Spell or Trap. The first one is abusing Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos. Yes because it technically ss a monster. That's not always true, as there are cards that optionally Special Summon at their resolution, such as Macro Cosmos and Starlight Road, whose activations can be negated by Solemn Warning. But, may be good for budget players for getting staple cards. To solve this problem, resolving one of these two cards could mean the end of the game for an Orcust or Sky Striker player. I opted to make a Merrowgeist to shuffle it back but got hit by a Solemn Judgment instead. Solemn Warning: When a monster would be Summoned, OR when a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster's effect is activated that includes an effect that Special Summons a monster (s): Pay 2000 Life Points; negate the Summon OR activation, and destroy that card. 1 Leviair the Sea Dragon. Five days a week, our Card of the Day Team give their opinions on various Yu-Gi-Oh cards. 2022ace. context full comments (1) What happens when two effects would theoretically negate each other? Macro is the 'upgraded' version of Dimensional Fissure. He Set Abyss-sphere and Warning. 1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. Turns out he drew into Solemns and other power cards despite my extremely thorough cuts to his deck before the game started. He used Reinforcement to get Rose, Warrior of Revenge from his Deck, then activated Duality to reveal Solemn Warning and 2 Macro Cosmos from the top of his Deck. Previously Official Rulings These TCG rulings were issued by Upper Deck Entertainment and have since been deemed unofficial by Konami. 2 Debunk. Solemn Warning: When a monster would be Summoned, OR when a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster's effect is activated that includes an effect that Special Summons a monster (s): Pay 2000 Life Points; negate the Summon OR activation, and destroy that card. Survivor and add it to his hand. I draw and he activates Skill Drain. Solemn Judgment: Pay half of your Life Points. 2 Solemn Warning 1 Solemn Judgment 1 Torrential Tribute Side Deck: 15 3 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror 3 Macro Cosmos 1 Smashing Ground 1 Forbidden Chalice 1 Snowman Eater 3 Gellenduo 2 Cyber Dragon 1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Extra Deck: 15 1 Ally of Justice Catastor 1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 1 Wind-Up Zenmaines 2 Leviair . It even has the ability to Summon Helios - The Primordial Sun, which means you could use Solemn Warning on Macro. David Spicciati takes a decisive first Duel thanks to Macro Cosmos shutting down all of Billy MacManus's best plays! He rolled a 6. Established April 2002! Draco was solemn warning vs gorz, the requirements noted in response to battle, synchro and allow yuri lives in my personal favourites and in. You can do this as an effect though, for example with Foolish Burial, since Macro Cosmos only changes where the card would go, it doesn't prevent cards from being sent to the Graveyard.

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solemn warning vs macro cosmos

solemn warning vs macro cosmos