TOTAL: 40 CARDS. Skill Drain Deck | My Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Wiki | Fandom Focus Energy is understated in this deck. Skill drain is back at 3 and that means it's time for an updated profile about the Skill Drain beatdown deck profile. 12 … Threatening Roar - More anti OTK. The deck seems to be doing fairly well in gold. If you want to make a sorta Magician beatdown deck, 3 copies of Endymion and 3 of Kycoo would be ideal. One of my favorite matches was against a blue-eyes deck while I was playing frogs. Gavin tries to … This forum thread has been unedited for 4673 … - Take Your Game to the Next Level The deck is literally and figuratively stacked against Belle and too little surprise it’s her worst nightmare, unlimited hairpulling, that she pulls. As Heroes Emerge from Long Beach | Alter Reality Games Skill Drain Deck; Burn Jack 13 years ago #1. Shoddy. For Yu-Gi-Oh! If you want to simply negate a spell card, it's better to use Magic Jammer. Judge Adam Hamza … “Just attack bro, activate nothing. There are many versions of this deck but the most successful one is the beatdown version. It could also be pretty handy in Skill Drain beatdown strats. … The Goat Format community sure has come a long way since Jazz and Ynusgridorh hosted the inaugural Format Library … Normal Monsters, colored yellow, are primarily used to protect your Life Points from Direct Damage. It was an interesting matchup. What I ended up with is a pretty straightforward Beatdown-type deck which relies heavily on swarming the field with hight ATK Creatures quickly and on reanimating your “big … This skill has been since Naturia beatdown on earlier years back then. But he was up against’s own Julia Hedberg, who was running an aggressive Beatdown deck flavored with Skill Drain. A Skill Drain Deck uses the Trap Card Skill Drain to remove the negative effects from monsters like Goblin Attack Force, Giant Orc, and Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei and use them for pure … Matt Uraki (non-duelist) Bishop Dier - Beasts. Tem Uraki - Generic Warriors. The ideal monsters in a deck using it would:have effects that yield positive results when negated (e.g. Then we dont have a big … 1 Mirror Force. You simply gotta love this card (which was kindly brought to my attention by a reader of this here blog) in a deck filled with Monsters that don’t come with any … Infernal Dragon: Infernal Dragon is a slightly annoying duelist. He popped skill drain, I … Vergil Renssalaer – Skill Drain beatdown. We don't run Drain because Evil Gaia wont be so cool with 0 attack anymore. This Deck uses the "Archfiends" as the core of the deck. 1x Harpie’s Feather Duster. lol. A Skill Drain Deck uses the Trap Card Skill Drain to remove the negative effects from monsters like Goblin Attack Force, Giant Orc, and Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei and use them for pure power purposes. Anti-Meta Deck Help! 42 cards. It does not. Bring it on!! It’s Skill Drain effects only works on monsters that were changed from defence position to attack position, and so it wasn’t really a … Giant Orc is a character version of the card, "Giant Orc". Well, I've been trying to work on this for quite a while, previously had 50 cards in the deck, I just took out a lot of Goblins And I'd like some help/ … But he was up against’s own Julia Hedberg, who was running an aggressive Beatdown deck flavored with Skill Drain. Royal Oppression - The deck list before this banlist had this … Sora Kogara - Watt. These interactions made Goat Control the deck to beat, and are the reason the format has the name that it does. 2 Final Attack Orders. The most striking aspect of this side deck is how it fits alongside Kris Perovic’s Standard Goat list: all the ratios are perfectly balanced.Every card in the side is either present in … And although pretty obvious to people who have played Kaiju, it should be noted that Gameciel could slap the final … If you really like Skill Drain that much, you can decide to add 3 Beast-King Barbaros and 3 Trade-in. 3x Scapegoat. One deck type that can have an advantage over "Skill Drain" Decks is a "Dark World" Deck because they rely on sending cards in their hand to the Graveyard to activate their effects, which "Skill Drain" cannot stop. Skill Drain now has a partner, which it combos well with: Soul Drain. This takes care of most problems. Skill Drain isn't broken in every deck, same with Shock, or MOST flood gates. Welcome to Week #3, #4 of the OCG 2020.07 format. … … The first time you use it, they can maybe discard a spell, … Different than other Skill Drain Decks is that this Deck does not require Skill Drain in order to win. Skill Drain; Another floodgate card popular in lockdown and beatdown Decks, Skill Drain prevents monsters on the field from activating their effects. on February 25th, 2022. Skill Drain x2 ===== Extra Deck : 0 ===== Demise True Draco is still possible with Chicken Game, Revolving Stage and Waterfall of Dragon Souls. Cimo: 3. Wu would need to win … 1 x Ring of Destruction. From top to … While the meta … What is a beatdown deck Yugioh? Yeah, i still have my naturia deck as optional for fun. is the sixth main installment in the Street Fighter series. In many ways the heart of the deck, the combos this thing can create with United We Stand and Token Stampede are incredible. - handlebar-online . Beatdown = win. Royal Oppression - The deck list before this banlist had this … From your deck, you picked and revealed a copy of your monster before slotting it onto the duel disk. Much like 2.6 Hog Cycle, this deck is heavily skill dependent. Finally, extra deck cards like N’Tss, Titanklad and Vahram trigger in the GY, so they can function well with Skill Drain on the field. Skill Drain Beatdown is a deck that can utilize a lot more of the Warriors that are available in Goat Format, notably Zombrya the Dark, Goblin Attack Force and Exiled Force. Each of this type of monster has an effect that returns it to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up (or the turn it is Special Summoned in case of Spirit monsters that must be Special Summoned). This is the competitive, and perfect … The thing that makes Evil Eatos inferior to the original Eatos is Skill Drain and Barbaros. Skill Drain Beatdown Breakdown. Normal Monsters, colored yellow, are primarily used to protect your Life Points from Direct Damage. MBT: 1. Since … Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! "Skill Drain" neutralizes the opponent's monster effects, including those of the "Archfiends" but they won't be affected way too much, … FLC9 2nd Place Tournament Report: MMF. The only cost for this card is … ... t. tried to make token beatdown work. How to play this deck effectively. Eddy Fang Chou Yong. TCG Deck - Skill Drain Beatdown by cynosureofme. Anonymous. Threatening Roar - More anti OTK. Tesla is almost impossible to deal with and will gain them a lot of values if you push into it. COMBOS AND GAMEPLAN. Master Duel are some of the most well-loved cards in Konami’s card game. Deck Review: Nik Ristoski's LIGHT Beatdown I was ecstatic when I heard that Little City (otherwise known as Gemini City or LIGHT-Beat) topped YCS Toronto recently, as … You then select one card and return the … 1x Foolish Burial. This card is more effective if you use more than once. In exchange for having no effect, the area where the effect is placed is replaced with … 270 + 840. -The Holy Trinity-If there are any cards that define the format as much as … It’s normal monster beatdown, but there is a strategy there. As they have Ice Golem, Skeletons and … It’s that ez”. Pot of Duality(from unlimited)-Pot of Duality is a normal spell card that when activated reveals the top three cards of your deck. The toughest challenge for the Zoo Beatdown deck so far is the Gravekeeper engine in the Standard Goat control deck. Toshiro Nagata - X … … In my opinion, Dino True King is a current meta-deck with good control, good OTK capability and many utilities in the deck. >> Anonymous 02/09/22(Wed) ... >every deck … No wait, she reread the card again, it was kind of meh. I am attempting to creat a balanced Skill Drain deck that uses monsters that are better suited to the way the game is being played now. This report will cover 80 … … He was up against’s own Julia Hedberg, who was running an aggressive Beatdown deck flavored with Skill Drain. Yoshinori Ono has confirmed that there will be no arcade release as Capcom is gravitating towards crane and one-off games in the arcade business. 2 Sakuretsu Armor. 'Skill Drain Beatdown' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! "Naturia", known as "Naturu" (ナチュル Nachuru) in the Japanese and Korean version, is an EARTH archetype from Duel Terminal. In exchange for having no effect, the area where the effect is placed is replaced with … You don't have to use the generic "Beatdown" monsters for a Skill Drain deck. Goat Format deck that is distinguished by its aggressive beast and beast-warrior monsters: 3 Berserk Gorilla and 2-3 … 7-3-1. View on Libreddit, an alternative private front-end to Reddit. Why only two Skill Drain? Now its … Anonymous Reply. And Beast King Barbaros is a Level 4 monster with 3000 ATK when Skill Drain is on the field. Yu-Gi-Oh! Eldlitch prefers going one-on-one with the opponent, … Event: Rank: Advanced. Thus concludes my Skill Drain deck fix. Market Price: $123.01 On a more serious note, really not good with this Unlimited with Mystic Mine still legal and I'd rather have Skill Drain at … Ok like, my crackhead headcanon is that Buster Blader, after realizing that dragons AREN'T as bad as he thought (as shown by how hurt he was by the death of his Whelp, who died by his own … … Street Fighter V (ストリートファイターV, Sutorīto Faitā Faibu?) I'm currently using a a BeatDown Deck. World Championship 2007. Giant Orc appears in the video game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Leah opens Delinquent Duo and Forceful Sentry. 2 x Skill Drain. … The cool thing about this deck is that it doesn’t feature any combos, since it’s mostly a “set 4 and normal summon -> pass” style of deck, making it pretty simple to use! Created By: cynosureofme. A Deck with a simple strategy, but one that completely locks out the opponent from reaching their Deck's full potential. My Skill Drain Beatdown Deck. Normal Monsters, colored yellow, are primarily used to protect your Life Points from Direct Damage, and to offer high ATK for use against your opponent, in exchange for having no effect, … Skill Drain (SD) can be a tricky card, but yields some big benefits. World Championship 2008 Top 8. It also uses the effect of Debris Dragon, … Different than other Skill Drain Decks is that this Deck does not require Skill Drain in order to win. Box of Friends fetches normal monsters with 0 ATK or 0 DEF. 2x Skill Drain 2x Royal Oppression 2x Final Attack Orders 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Dark Bribe 1x Solemn Judgement 1x Mirror Force [Side: 7 Monsters, 2 Spells, 6 Traps] 3x D.D Warrior 3x D.D … - More for beatdown versions or side deck against Skill Drain/Oppress. Return to the Frontlines can be … 1x Tri-Brigade Revolt. 1 x Torrential. … Gold ole counter trap strategy. In modern Goat Format, Skill Drain tends to be more of a tech card than a viable strategy, mostly because of its vulnerability as a Continuous Trap. Skill Drain Beatdown is a deck that can utilize a lot more of the Warriors that are available in Goat Format, notably Zombrya the Dark, Goblin Attack Force and Exiled Force. 1 x Mirror Force. - More for beatdown versions or side deck against Skill Drain/Oppress. Usage statistics, guides, and sample decks for the Skill Drain Beatdown deck-type. Deck Profile: Albert Wu. GT's Deck Box 10/23/08 It's come to my attention that many people still use this website to form a basis for their decks. Skill Drain Features Unlimited Card Type Trap-Continuous Rarity Rare Game Yu-Gi-Oh! 2x Enemy Controller. Its not hard to beat her. I freakin' loved Skill Drain back in the day with scrappy normal monster beatdown decks, but now there's multiple effect monster archetypes that don't care about their on-field … Skill Drain Beatdown is a deck that can utilize a lot more of the Warriors that are available in Goat Format, notably Zombrya the Dark, Goblin Attack Force and Exiled Force. After disrupting the top Decks’ strategies, all Bowling needs to do is push them over … Gemini HERO, also known as Skill Drain HERO, HERO Beatdown, or HERO Beats, is a deck from the 2012 format. Because of that, I can’t run all the 2000 ATK normal … I was running a Necrofear Deck until last night when someone's deck here gave me an idea... and I've been trying to build a Chaos-Necrofear deck ever since. 3 Royal Oppression. Build in Deck Builder. Goblin Skill Drain Beatdown Cimo 2-0-1 MBT: 5 Cimo: 5 11 Nov 23, 2021 Reaper Deck Devastation Virus Stein OTK Cimo 2-0 Cimo: 6 MBT: 5 Reaper Format Total Cimo. ... SD decks revolve around super beatdown, while your opponent can't use their Warrior Ladies. Feb 1, 2022. Skill Drain Features Unlimited Card Type Trap-Continuous Rarity Rare Game Yu-Gi-Oh! Beastdown, often known as “Zoo”, is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Eldlich, Drytron, and Sky … Skill Drain - Eldlich Skill Drain beatdown/stun best deck. It also buffs option tokens for the turn, so if VV gets a the token comes out with minimum 2700. Deck Recipe: 1x Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight 3x Hammer Shark 2x Yomi Ship 1x Beautiful Princess 3x Lost Blue Breaker 2x Starboy 2x Enemy Controller 1x Magic Drain 3x Mirror Wall 2x … Updated 5 October 2020. “Black Stone, break and reveal the potential in our souls! Leah is playing Skill Drain beatdown, while Gavin is on a Convulsion of Nature/Archfiend's Oath deck. Usually, that's direct DMG. "Naturia" monsters are composed of various Types, but all of them are related to forest life (much like "Sylvan", albeit different), such as Plants, Insects, Rocks, a few Beasts, and even a Dragon. 3 Skill Drain. See Help:Signature and Help:Talk pages for further information. Kashiwagi Takayoshi (柏木隆嘉) Lightsworn. From Blue-eyes to Red, the legendary dragons of Yu-Gi-Oh! … Half-shut is … The Six Samurai Deck; Blackwing Deck (by Fandom User Spellcaster Deck (by Cody7) Spellcaster/Elemental Hero Deck (by KiraXFlay) Lightsworn Deck (by Fandom User … 588202995. About a third of my games, I'll open up with one or two floodgates and my opponent surrenders immediately. Miguel Garcia. What about you … It absolutely demolished Wind-Ups, Inzektors and could even strangle the power plays of Dino-Rabbit. Build the best decks based on daily deck uploads! Fixes/Suggestions in comments please ... Latin American WCQs - Nationals + RESULTS - Forums. Hướng build này là hướng build phổ biến nhất vì với Skill Drain, ta có thể dễ dàng “khóa” 1 cơ số deck phổ biến bây giờ, và từ từ tiêu diệt các quái thú của địch với … Neutral/Unclear. He uses a Skill Drain deck, packed with 2000+ monsters, with Big Shield … 'Skill Drain Beatdown' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! 2000DEF from Gravekeeper's Spy is ... another dust … … This deck was a versatile Anti-Meta Beatdown deck, which is … You mean the reason my side deck had 3 reboot 3 twisters and 3 denko for a period of time? of skill drain beatdown[dimensional drain]: need fixes/comments decided to make this deck a dimensional skill drain anti meta for the sept.1st 2009 format deck … Favorite Card : Skill Drain / Airknight Parsath / Yamata Dragon Age : 21 Name : Adrian Valmocina Team : Malolos Position : Member Deck : Zombie beatdown / Zombie Mill / … Destiny HERO Dark Armed Dragon. 1 x Call of the Haunted. I know atm Eldlich is seen as a Skill Drain/Imperial Order beat down deck, but if those got banned then you have over 20+ years of cards to go through and just replace those with. Also, Prison is an aditional way to get rid of Colossal Figther, … Make … He appears as a Level Five Limited Duelist and he … 3 {{Fake Trap}} As you can see I am determined to dig through every single … Skill Drain will do the following:If a monster activates an effect, and the monster is face-up on the field when that effect resolves, then that effect will be negated.If, when the … Spirit monsters (スピリットモンスター Supiritto monsutā) are Effect Monsters with the ability "Spirit". Frankly, I'm ecstatic about this - the decks on here have … Come to the field … 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What cards work well against both Skill Drain decks and beatdown OTKs". Wu would need to win … Just now realized That Grass Looks Greener is at 3 in master duel, so my zombie deck just got a huge boost going second lol. 2x Fire Formation – Tenki. Deck Help → Skill Drain Beatdown: Please sign your comments with ~~~~. When a deck reaches a point where it can abuse them, For Shock it a marker that a Rank 4 deck has … Monarch. Would make the deck more beatdown-centered though and kill its creativity so I don't think … It was an interesting matchup. I had a game against … You don't have to use the generic "Beatdown" monsters for a Skill Drain deck. #78. Cards such as Fusilier Dragon and Cyber Dragon are two monsters that can be summoned from the hand. That's the … Angel 07 Deck by Rasic1213 on DeviantArt. ... skill drain make your all effect … 2.1/ Skill Drain Beatdown. Under the effect of Skill Drain, your opponet has to win by stupid beatdown, so stopping him from attacking is the best way to win. 3 x Skill Drain. So easy. This deck takes advantage of the PlantDrain deck, with the lockdown coming through the additions of Queen of Thorns and Royal Decree. I show my Skill Drain deck that I have been playing on Duelingbook. The new format has sent alot of Duelists back to the drawing board, and the strength of Decks like X-Sabers and Gladiator Beasts has Skill Drain a top choice for some. … Skill drain beatdown is viable yes >> Anonymous 02/09/22(Wed)21:37:52 No. 1 Ring of Destruction. return!!! Sweet Drill barnacle … Skill Drain Beat Down deck idea. Master Duel dragon decks. So those are all for the Best Yu-Gi-Oh! The biggest drawback of this deck is when facing … It was released exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and PC, on which cross-platform multiplayer is available. The token Conservative Christian of GameFAQS. Grab an enemy monster … 1x One for One. Cards such as Fusilier Dragon and Cyber Dragon are two monsters that can be summoned from the hand. Just as the name suggests, you just aim to … Reply. 2x Called by the Grave. Skill Drain was a powerful card heading into Long Beach.
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