But Planetside 2 also has strong implants, that can be complete game-changers if chosen and upgraded carefully. #5. The Division is a noob team." BY: Igors Kuznecovs . Sniper Rifles are the masters of long-range combat on Auraxis. As a general rule, any assault rifle or carbine that can fit an Advanced Laser is going to be an awesome weapon. Campgain can either be p2w or you can grind credits to unlock it, there are tools behind this wall. 3x Burst is designed for close engagements, providing the sniper flexibility in his role. I would appreciate your thoughts on a LONG range sniper weapon. NSO Sniper 14 Killstreak | planetside 2 | 2021 - YouTube Download the Game. All Discussions . PlanetSide 2. Meta Carbines Jaguar, Kindred Lynx SMG Armistice AR T1 Cycler, TAR, Cycler TRV LMG Carv MSW-R and Watchman Shotgun Nighthawk and Blackjack Pistols Repeater Sniper CQC TSAR 42 and M77-B LONG SR7 or RAMS .50 Semi auto sniper 99sv or KSR Heavy Weapon MCG Max AI Mercy, Mutilators, Onslaught MAX AV Pounders RL ML7. May 17, 2020 @ 8:08pm Best NC DMR/Scout Rifle? Today's video is a review and comparison of all the Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles within Planetside 2. One build is SMG-based, it's just for general run-and-gun, does the job great, very good range for an SMG, good stealth and flanking, good survivability, need to ADADCCC a lot. (mostly on console) Saw this game in my steam library and was wondering if it's worth it to get back in the fight in 2021. Daybreak Username. Updated: 25 Mar 2021 6:53 pm "GG in Unity. Feb 16, 2021 @ 1:49pm. It has an enormous rate of fire and a whole 100 rounds in a magazine. With slow rates-of-fire, an over-reliance on headshots, and wide minimum hip cones-of-fire, sniper rifles are almost entirely kept out of the close-quarters market, however their incredible damage-per-shot even at ranges exceeding hundreds of meters gives users the ability to reliably eliminate enemies at any range. Picking your favorite faction or your favorite gun is one thing. Send us an email: elite112608@gmail.comBy submitting your videos. Once your magazine is in, it's ready to shred every single enemy that was brave and foolish enough to get too close. This update contains a massive push toward a better starting experience for new players. (mostly on console) Saw this game in my steam library and was wondering if it's worth it to get back in the fight in 2021. Hunter cloak gives me ample time to cloak and get to . Already have a Daybreak Account? Today we'll take a look at all . :)) Happy gaming to all,,, peace . The next video will be on your sid. I'm not the best shot, but I know where to g. Best faction: The one you're fighting against. The disadvantage is that it takes 2.8 seconds to reload instead of 2.6. NC is the hardest faction for newer players due to the recoil on . Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 4 hours. edited 2 yr. ago I'm not saying it's the best without contest, but on the non-regular occasion I play my VS alt, I play 2 separate loadouts on my infiltrator. The TRAC-5 is a decent gun, probably the best of the starter carbines, but it's not as good as the Lynx. Out of the last 30 alerts: NC has won 7, VS has won 11, and TR has won 12. A government that has fulfilled the dream of many dictatorships of unifying the Earth under one single banner, bringing an end to international conflicts. gordoIsMyName. Picking your favorite faction or your favorite gun is one thing. Worst faction: The one you picked. The Fotruna (NC Carbine) a. i get 1-shot quite a bit at max health with maxed out nano armor but never seem to be able to deliver the same hit power. Once your magazine is in, it's ready to shred every single enemy that was brave and foolish enough to get too close. Using the NS 30 Vandal with 2x scope i can be very effective at alot of different ranges. Updated: 25 Mar 2021 6:53 pm. Best RPM amongst all sniper rifles; 2 firing modes; All scope attachments from 1x to 6x . There are 3 main factions, fighting for dominance over the planet Auraxis, and your first step to becoming a part of this war - is choosing your faction, and joining the ranks of either of those large and unique armies. The Best Faction of Planetside 2? and yes, i'm targeting . With slow rates-of-fire, an over-reliance on headshots, and wide minimum hip cones-of-fire, sniper rifles are almost entirely kept out of the close-quarters market, however their incredible damage-per-shot even at ranges exceeding hundreds of meters gives users the ability to reliably eliminate enemies at any range. Everything from character creation, to the tutorial, to default loadouts, to the player's first "real" combat, to quality of life has . T9 Carv is the closest representation of it you'll get in Planetside 2. Just Trying to be someone and get somewhere in the film industry! Ok- okish or Skill required Carbines Trac 5 Cougar T5 AMC TRAC 5 B SMG Jackal AR . There are 4 tiers I use, and with each tier, there is one . Sabotuers, Snipers, pains in the butt, there are many labels soldiers give the Infiltrators of Auraxis, let's have a look at the sneakiest class around and s. PlanetSide 2 (PC / Playstation 4) PlanetSide 2 gameplay. I'm not the best shot, but I know where to g. Hey guys! Sep 29, 2019 @ 2:11pm. I've almost Auraxium'd The Moonshot so that's cool. Originally posted by Ricky Madison: I played a good amount of Planetside 2 back around 2014-2016. Having the proper load-outs can really make or break your point-holding squad. Some tips on being a better sniper in PlanetSide 2, coming from someone who is in the same boat as a lot of you. I've almost Auraxium'd The Moonshot so that's cool. All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, September 15, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). My gameplay style is assualt: Please someone out there has the best choice for me or I will be upset! SNIPER SIDE 2 Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterDk78, Aug 25, 2021. PlanetSide 2 Forums. For my outfit, my general rule for a squad of 12 is the following: I heard this game has 3 faction to choose and fight for. Originally posted by Ricky Madison: I played a good amount of Planetside 2 back around 2014-2016. May only contain alphabetic characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9) Must be available. Today, we will look at the 5 best and widely used amidst player base implants that the . LA80/SR-7/V10 are a waste of time in my opinion. This one is based on the weapon selection and the attachments. Scavenger. Boasting battles of up to 2000 players per continent, the gameplay is like nothing you've ever played before. Planetside 2 Best Class - Planetside 2 Loadouts 2020. 11m. True haha. It has an enormous rate of fire and a whole 100 rounds in a magazine. #4. It is not uncommon to take out 2+ vehicles in close-mid range and still be alive long enough to flee and repair. It's likely my favorite Auraxium reward. BY: Igors Kuznecovs . Ok guys, part two of the aggressive infiltration tutorials. Today we'll take a look at all . Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Targanwolf. PlanetSide 2 - Register a New Account. 3x Burst, and 2x Burst. It's a very unique sniper rifle that excels in what Terran Republic's weaponry stands for - large magazine and a great rate of fire. Alert wins fluctuate to a small extent but generally stay pretty even. When it comes to point-holding especially in the modern age of Planetside 2 it's important to really discuss classes, load-outs, and implants. But once humanity has started colonizing distant stars, Terran Republic, who . Updated: 25 Mar 2021 6:53 pm "GG in Unity. Sniper Rifles are the masters of long-range combat on Auraxis. It's heavy to move with and takes an eternity to reload. There are 3 main factions, fighting for dominance over the planet Auraxis, and your first step to becoming a part of this war - is choosing your faction, and joining the ranks of either of those large and unique armies. The Division is a noob team." BY: Igors Kuznecovs . To sum up: Excels in: Largest magazine amongst all sniper rifles. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > MasterDk78. PlanetSide 2. PlanetSide 2 is one of the most well-known games on this list and for good reason. Christopher is a gamer with a fierce passion for, well, gaming! Well do I have the treatment for you. Generally the best bolts for up to 300m and beyond are the Longshot/RAMS/Parallax, other than that I suppose there are the Sniper Rifle directive reward rifle. Planetside 2 is called MMO for a reason. I usually move after either every kill, or every 6 bullets fired. Embark on a journey during my best sniper moment on Planetside 2. Feb 16, 2021 @ 1:49pm. So, what Faction will suit for me before I start the game? Country. Generally the best bolts for up to 300m and beyond are the Longshot/RAMS/Parallax, other than that I suppose there are the Sniper Rifle directive reward rifle. Having performance issues when sniping? So you've finally gotten the hang of the game, conquered a few bases and resource plants, made some friends, and maybe even used some of those resources . Terran Republic . Try be a heavy standing still trying to get a lock.. . (with the exception of two vanguards in close proximity that don't suck). Some tips on being a better sniper in PlanetSide 2, coming from someone who is in the same boat as a lot of you. LA80/SR-7/V10 are a waste of time in my opinion. He is currently in the DeVry Video Game Design and Simulation Program. View Profile View Posts. But Planetside 2 also has strong implants, that can be complete game-changers if chosen and upgraded carefully. It's likely my favorite Auraxium reward. The best fit for my playstyle is mid range attack and sabotage. Twitch Streamers featured in this video:https://www.twitch.tv/l0rdnik0nWant to get featured? Vanu, is the most op faction, we just "win" and alert but we got the 2nd place itens, while vanu got 1st place, still the map locked for us. Daybreak Username Requirements: Must be 4-15 characters in length. Today, we will look at the 5 best and widely used amidst player base implants that the . This update contains a massive push toward a better starting experience for new players. but they also said, you have to be careful to choose a faction. This sniper rifle, unlike others - shoots with bursts, and there are 2 firing mods. NC is generally more successful on weekends due to more organized outfit being active. I'm downloading the game now. Xoloitzcuintle. I very much enjoy that gun, honestly. in the right hands is some serious destructive mag power rarely seen (probably to the delight of TR and NC . A mix of a Roman Empire and Soviet Union. It's heavy to move with and takes an eternity to reload. I very much enjoy that gun, honestly. Some of my best sniping moments in Planetside 2 using the SAS-R sniper rifle for NC. The Division is a noob team." BY: Igors Kuznecovs . Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Targanwolf, Oct 16, 2014. Battle your way to victory with a class-based leveling system that allows you to specialize your skills as everything from a heavy assault . Found me a lucky spot plz like and sub and dont forget to sharePlanetSide 2PLANETSIDE 2 (PS4)https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA02219_00 SAS-R/TSAR-42/Ghost are great for closer fights and instead of switching to a lower optic on my other rifles I used these because the fast chamber time and no need to hold breath can . Updated: 25 Mar 2021 6:53 pm. Never engage more than 1-2 enemies before cloaking and moving location. But! Planetside 2 is called MMO for a reason. Headhunter style!! BY: Igors Kuznecovs . Sabotuers, Snipers, pains in the butt, there are many labels soldiers give the Infiltrators of Auraxis, let's have a look at the sneakiest class around and s. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > Class Discussions > Infiltrator > Best VANU Sniper Weapon ? All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, September 15, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). PC + Aphelion + Racer + Stealth + Recharge …. The Lynx, the Cycler TRV, the GD-7F, the GR-22, the VX6 . No, these are not the implants for hollywood actresses, these are for battle. May 18, 2020 @ 3:58am For just infiltrator? Campgain can either be p2w or you can grind credits to unlock it, there are tools behind this wall. Everything from character creation, to the tutorial, to default loadouts, to the player's first "real" combat, to quality of life has . T9 Carv is the closest representation of it you'll get in Planetside 2. Also, do not use it on large distances, TR is better off with Tier 1 or Tier 2 sniper rifles when it comes to sniping from a nest, sitting far far away from the epicenter of the battle. Updated: 25 Mar 2021 6:53 pm "GG in Unity. But! I currently have the VA 39 Spectra and would like to start saving for a "reach out and touch you" weapon . I would personally recommend either the Vandal for its comfortable handling and high movespeed while ADS, or the Daimyo which is strange as it's semi auto but only deals damage on headshots albeit as a one hit kill . Title < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . Are you struggling to Auraxium your sniper rifles? Some simple techniques and p. Sep 20, 2021 @ 6:52am 1 shot kill sniper rifles is there a list of 1 shot kill sniper rifles. No, these are not the implants for hollywood actresses, these are for battle. SAS-R/TSAR-42/Ghost are great for closer fights and instead of switching to a lower optic on my other rifles I used these because the fast chamber time and no need to hold breath can . Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 4 hours. The Fotruna (NC Carbine) a. Today, we'll have a look at the best sniper rifles Planetside 2 can provide to those seeking comfort in one spot while staying a harbinger of death for their enemies. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews PlanetSide 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details.
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