oasis academy term dates 2020

Temple ↗. PDF Oasis Academy Lister Park 2021-2022 Autumn Term 2021. Term dates for 2022-2023 are: Winter break: December 11, 2021 to January 1, 2023. Spring break: March 27 to April 14, 2022. Thursday 6th January 2022. Term Dates - Meridian High School Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd. Monday 17 th April - Friday 26th May 2023. Friday 3rd September 2021. Term 3 Tuesday 4th January - Friday 18th February Term 4 Monday 28th February - Friday 8th April . Research shows that children and young people who attend school at least 95% of the time are more likely to achieve at least good results. Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September 2020 - INSET DAY - CLOSED TO STUDENTS. Tuesday 4 th January - School open for all pupils Friday 11 th February - Last day of term Half Term - Monday 14 th to Friday 18 th February. 2020-2022. Term Dates. Term 5 Monday 25th April - Friday 27th May (Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May ) Term 6 Monday 6th June - Friday 22nd July National Inset Day: Friday 24th June (One Inset day tbc) oasis Academy New Oak . BBC News - Education. . Autumn Term. Term Dates - Oasis Academy Foundry Close. Term Dates 2021-2022. Term Dates - Oasis Academy Temple Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. The new, modern purpose-built Academy provides an amazing learning environment for 1,500 students aged 11-16, almost twice as many as the former Breeze Hill School. Summer Contact 2020 - Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue Oasis Horizons is a scheme being introduced into every Oasis academy throughout the academic year 2020-2021, where each current and future pupil, and their teachers and support staff, will be provided with an iPad to give them access to enhanced online learning.Students and teachers will be able to use the device together in lessons to bring subjects to life and participate in shared learning. Leavers Book 2020; Parent Workshops; Careers. Autumn. Oasis Safeguarding Statement of Intent; Safeguarding Policy . OASIS ACADEMY BLAKENHALE - TERM DATES 2020 - 2021 AUTUMN TERM Tuesday 1st September 2020 Staff Professional Development Day Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Thursday 3rd September 2020 **Academy Opens to Y1, Y2, Y3 & Y6 pupils Friday 4th September 2020 Academy Opens to Y1 - Y6 pupils Friday 16th October 2020 Staff Professional Development Day Friday 23rd October 2020 Academy closes at 3:30pm . Monday 6th June 2022 - Tuesday 19th . Open Event 2020 - Oasis Academy Lord's Hill PDF Oasis Academy Harpur Mount Primary School 2020-2021 Bank ... Oasis Academy Hobmoor school holidays 2022-2023. Updated: 26/06/2020 77 KB. PDF 2020-21 Term Dates - Oasis Academy Hadley Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. 2021/2022 Term Dates. Friday 22nd October. Oasis Academy South Bank - Term Dates & School Holidays The school may follow the dates provided by the local authority - you can find the Birmingham Local Authority dates here Tuesday 31st August - New boarders arrive for induction from 3pm Wednesday 1 st September - Inset Day . Term 5 Monday 19 April - Friday 28 May (May Bank Holiday Monday 03 May ) Term 6 Monday 07 June - Friday 23 July. Half Term - Monday 30 th May - Friday 3 rd June 2022. We don't currently hold this school's information. INSET DAYS 2021-22. Ebor Academy Trust; . Inset Day. 19th April 2022. At Oasis Academy Skinner Street , Gillingham. Opportunities to develop employability skills through the Skills Builder programme. Open. Term Dates. Last Day of Term. End of Term - Friday 1st April 2022. Year 7 and year 11 students start/return to school on Thursday 3rd September for a day of induction/study planning. First Day of Autumn Term - Year 7 & 11 Only. INSET Day. LFT Testing. 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for Oasis Academy South Bank. Much of the protected characteristics are also taught through our RSE curriculum. Spring Term* Start of Term - Wednesday 5th January 2022. Download a printable copy of the 2020/2021 term dates here. Term 2. MediaCityUK ↗. Term 1. Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. First Day for Students. Consultation took place between 19 th November 2020 and 30 th December 2020 on the proposed admission arrangements for 2022/2023.. Consultation included sending letters confirming our proposed arrangements to parents of our existing students, our feeder primary schools, local secondary schools and the local authority. Monday 7th September 2020. Phase 1 (all years) Phase 2 (Years 7, 9, 11, 12 & 13 only) Wednesday 9th September 2020. Monday 21 st February 2022. Year 2 Welcome Letters. Thursday 17 December 2020. Friday 3 September 2021. Academy Closed to Students. Term 4. 2022 / 2023 Bank Holidays Mrs Lewis. oasis academy harpur mount primary school 2019-2020 bank holiday school closed bank holiday school holidays school closed teacher training school closed mon tues wed . Half Term - Monday 14th February to Friday 18th February 2022 The school may follow the dates provided by the local authority - you can find the Oldham Local Authority dates here Year 11 (2020/2021) exam certificates are ready for collection as of Monday 6 th December 2021. Friday 24 June 2022 - Staff Professional Day (School closed to children) Wednesday 20 July 2022 - Academy closes at 3:15pm for Summer Holiday. Start of Autumn Term 1. Thursday 21 July 2022 - Staff Professional Development Day. 2020 Oasis Community Learning is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales number 05398529 and an Exempt Charity. Staff Inset Days - Thursday 2nd September, Friday 3rd September, Friday 22nd October 2021. Half term - Monday 3 rd April - Friday 14 th April 2023 . 8 November 2021. Monday 6 September 2021. OCL Scale 1a SCP 1 FTE salary £18,278; Actual salary £4,940 per annum Oasis Academy Lister Park Head Teacher: Mrs Siân Dover Address: North Avenue, Bradford, BD8 7ND Tel: 01274 362050 Fax: 01274 362051 Web: www.oasisacademylisterpark . Term starts - Year 7's ONLY - Monday 6th September. Trust Inset Day - TBC * Please note, dates are subject to change Friday 8 th April 2022. Thursday 21st October 2021. Academy Life / Term Dates LinkedIn (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) Facebook (opens in new window/tab) . Friday. Expand the panels to find the term dates for the current and next academic year. Academy Day; Term Dates; Uniform; Payment System; My Child at School; Academy Lunches; Safeguarding. Friday 18 th February 2022. Friday 22nd July. Friday 24th June. Oasis Academy Don Valley is a coeducational Academy, which admits students between the ages of 4 to 16 years, situated in Sheffield. . Mrs Barratt. Summer Term 1 2022 If you add a Tabbed container inside this container, it will style for tabs. Thursday 2nd September 2021: ACADEMY INSET DAY* - Academy closed to all students Friday 3rd September 2021: ACADEMY INSET DAY* - Academy closed to all students Monday 6th September 2021: Primary Students: First day of Academic year Primary Students yrs 1-6 Reception and Nursery Students - start dates vary - see information/stay and play letter Secondary Phase Induction day: Year 7 and Year 12 ONLY Registered Address: 75 Westminster Bridge Road . 2 September 2021. Students and teachers will be able to use the device together in lessons to bring . PUPILS MUST NOT BE TAKEN OUT OF SCHOOL DURING TERM TIME. Summer Term 1. Thursday 2nd September - INSET Day. Inset Day (school closed) Friday 27 November 2020. Wednesday 1st September 2021. Monday 6 June 2022 - Academy opens. 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for Oasis Academy South Bank. Watermead ↗. Thursday 2nd September - Friday 22nd October Term 2 Monday 1st November - Friday 17th December . Bank Holiday - Monday 1 st May 2023. Term Starts - Tuesday 7th June 2022. HR Administrator. Below are listed all the term dates and inset days for 2021-2022 Academic year. Term Dates *Please note, the 'End of Term' date for Summer Term 2021-2022 has recently changed from Friday 22nd July to Thursday 21st July, 2022. Tuesday 4th January 2022 - Friday 18th February 2022. Monday 21 st February - School open for ALL pupils Friday 8 th April - Last day of term Easter Holiday - Monday 11 th to Friday 22 nd April. Monday 5th June - Tuesday 25 th July 2023. Author: Kim Miller Created Date: Our commitment is to delivering first class-education and playing an active role in the local community with a vision of transforming lives and learning. Good attendance develops the essential life skills necessary for young people to be […] Collection only from main reception between 9am - 4pm. First day of term Monday 6th September . Please note: INSET days may be subject to change for the academic year 2021-2022. In November 2020, a two and four-story building became Oasis Academy Leesbrook's brand new home on the site of the former Breeze Hill School, which was demolished in 2013. Summer Term 2. Our Academies. Term Dates 2021-2022 Below are the dates your child should attend school during the academic year 2021/22. The 2019 academic year will be three days longer than that of 2018. Salary: £23,080 - £24,982 FTE (Scale Points 14 -18; £13,354 - £14,455 pro rata) + generous pension scheme. The Queen's 70th Year on the Throne - Additional. Monday 1st November 2021 - Friday 17th December 2021. Term Dates 2020-2021. School Term Dates September 2020 - July 2021 Term 1 Development Day for Staff (Children do not attend) Thursday 3rd September 2020 Development Day for Staff (Children do not attend) Friday 4th September 2020 Term begins for Pupils Monday 7th September 2020 Development Day for Staff (Children do not attend) Friday 16th October 2020 Term ends for Pupils Friday 23rd October 2020 Oasis Academy Oldham school holidays 2022-2023. 22nd July 2022. 2021 - 2022 Term 1. Thursday 2 September 2021. Term Starts: (Teacher training days 2nd and 3rd September) PUPILS START SCHOOL ON THE 6th SEPTEMBER Teacher training day: 22nd October 2021. Friday 25th February 2022. Training Day. Term 2 Author: Kim Miller Created Date: 12/13/2020 6:42:25 PM . School Term and Holiday Dates - September 2020 to July 2021 In addition to the below, schools allocate five non-pupil days out of the school days indicated September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su . 2022 / 2023 Bank Holidays The last day of school for the academic year 2020-21 will be July 1, 2021. Updated: 26/06/2020 74 KB. Half term - Monday 25th October - Friday 29th October 2021. Wednesday 1st September: . 2021-2022 Spring Term 1 2022. The way our family of academies work together to provide exceptional education is part of what makes Oasis so special. Updated 01-10-2020 July 2021 Start/End of Academic Year: 30th August 2020 and 7th July 2021 School Term Breaks All Students May 2021 June 2021 Calendar 2020-2021 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021. Term ends - Friday 22nd October 2021. 2 tabs maximum. Oasis Horizons is a scheme being introduced into every Oasis academy throughout the academic year 2020-2021, where each current and future pupil, and their teachers and support staff, will be provided with an iPad to give them access to enhanced online learning. Professional Learning - Academy closed to all students. Spring Term . TED day Friday 3 rd September. This change acknowledges the additional Bank Holiday for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on 3rd June 2022, which falls in the May/June Half Term break. 2 September 2021. Training Day. Term start - All other Year Groups - Tuesday 7th September. We are situated on the former Putney Hospital site on Putney Common, Lower Richmond Road. Phase 1 (Nursery, Reception & Year 6) Phase 2 (Years 7, 11 & 12 only) Tuesday 8th September 2020. The term dates for 2021-2022 are: Winter break: December 12 to 30 in 2021. Monday 30th May—Friday 3rd June. Author: Kelly Radford Created Date: 7/16/2020 6:11:39 PM Friday 22nd October 2021. Easter Holidays . Half Term: Monday 25 October 2021 to Friday 29 October 2021. The opportunity to create a careers action plan (using an online platform called Grofar) from Year 7, and build a portfolio that can be used in a CV. Oasis academy coulsdon . End of Term - Friday 17th December 2021. Sorry! Half Term - Monday 25th October to Friday 29th October 2021. 1 September 2021. At Oasis we strive to achieve exceptional education at the heart of the communities we work in; using cutting edge educational research into the science of learning (including memory and character development) we aspire to develop active citizens and lifelong learners who have a strong understanding of the world around them and a desire to drive positive impact locally, nationally and globally. Tuesday. Christmas Holidays. Last day of term Thursday 21 st October. Admission number(s) Term 1 Thursday 2nd September to Friday 22nd October 2021; Term 2 Monday 1st November to Friday 17th December 2021; Term 3 Tuesday 4th January to Friday 18th February 2022; Term 4 Monday 28th February to Friday 8th April 2022; Term 5 Monday 25th April to Friday 27th May 2022; Term 6 Monday 6th June to Friday 22nd July 2022; INSET Days. Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of . 22 October 2021. Oasis Academy Putney your all-inclusive, local Primary school serving children aged 4-11. Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. 2022 / 2023 Bank Holidays Spring Half Term Holidays . The way our family of academies work together to provide exceptional education is part of what makes Oasis so special. Sorry! Term 1. Wednesday 1 September 2021. Term 1 : Wednesday 2nd September: School Closed (Staff INSET Day) Thursday 3rd September: School Closed (Staff INSET Day) . 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for Oasis Academy Limeside. Notes. Monday 25th April 2022 - Friday 27th May 2022 (May Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May) Term 6 . Half Terms Updated: 26/06/2020 56 KB. Children's gender services need transformation - review. Friday 22 nd April 2022. Summer . Through the 'Oasis 9 habits' and British Values embedded into our curriculum, children are taught the importance of respect and tolerance. Thursday 2nd September. School will be closed to pupils on the following teacher training days: Wednesday 1st September 2021, Friday 22nd October 2021, Friday 17th December 2021, Oasis academy MediaCityUK is a fully inclusive secondary academy, accepting children of all abilities, of any faith or none. Please click here for Term Dates 2020-2021. Cool Milk; . Term Dates 2021-2022 Calendar View. Monday 28th February 2022 - Friday 8th April 2022 (Inset Day Friday 11th March) Term 5. Term 6. Half term Monday 25 th October - Friday 29 th October . Oasis academy New oak . Academy Support; Age 11 - 18; Parents and Carers; E-Safety; . Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. Monday 11 th April 2022. Oasis Academy MediaCityUK is an academy where all young people are given the opportunity they deserve to make excellent progress and fulfil their full potential. Term Ends: Friday 17 December 2021 Half term - Monday 29 th May - Friday 2 nd June 2023. Academy Life / Term Dates LinkedIn (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) rss (opens in new window/tab) share (opens in new window/tab) . Wintringham ↗. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Oasis Academy South Bank have published on their website. The SCC term dates calendar can be found here. 2020-21 Term Dates Term Start Finish Half Term Autumn Thursday 3rd September 2020 Friday 18th December 2020 26th - 30th October 2020 Spring Monday 4th January 2021 Thursday 1st April 2021 15th - 19th February 2021 Summer Monday 19th April 2021 Friday 23rd July 2021 31st May - 4th June 2021 Staff Training Days Autumn Thursday, 3 September 2020 TED day Friday 22 nd October. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Oasis Academy Limeside have published on their website. Last day of Autumn Term 1 - 3.00 pm finish time. Thursday 2nd September 2021 Autumn. 2021 - 2022 Term Dates; 2021 - 2022 Term Dates . We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Oasis Academy South Bank have published on their website. This is a decision made by Oasis Community Learning, which all academies are required to implement. Reception Welcome Letters. Term Dates September 2021 to July 2022. 2021 - 2022 Term Dates. 4 Jan 2022. Term Finishes - Wednesday 27th July 2022. Monday 28 th February 2022. Half Term. Students will be in attendance for 185 days in the year that runs from 2019-2020, as oppose to the 182 days they were asked to attend in the 2017-2018 year. Within the Academy, we celebrate diversity and relentlessly focus on the attainment of all of our children. First Day of Autumn Term - All Students. First day of term Monday 1 st November . Term. In 2021/2022 there will be 7 teacher training days. 15-19 February 2021. Why Work with Us; Current Vacancies . Friday 15 th October - End of Term 1 - Boarding house closes at 5pm. HALF TERM 1: Tuesday 1st September 2020 - Friday 23rd October 2020 . Monday 25 April 2022 - Academy Opens. Training Day - Friday 24th July 2022. 2021 - 2022 - Academy Calendar Term 1. Staff Training Days. INSET - 1st and 2nd September and 22nd October 2021. Inset Day. 2 tabs maximum. Academy Life / Term Dates LinkedIn (opens in new window/tab) Twitter . Start of Term - Tuesday 7th September 2021. June 2022. Friday 4th September - Years 7, 11 & 12 Return Monday 7th September - All Other Years Return Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey - Calendar 2020/21 SEPTEMBER 2020 OCTOBER 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 DECEMBER 2020 JANUARY 2021 MARCH AUGUST2021 FEBRUARY School Holidays Teacher Training Days Bank Holidays Weekends Click here to download a copy of the term dates for 2021-2022. Please click here for Term Dates 2021-2022. Spring term . From 1 September 2020, relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils. oasis academy harpur mount primary school 2020-2021 bank holiday school closed bank holiday school holidays school closed teacher training school closed mon tues wed . Parkwood ↗. 31 May-4 June 2021. 2021-2022. We don't currently hold this school's information. In addition, we also work with south Bristol youth to run 'Future quest' for 15 selected students in years 9 . INSET DAYS: Friday 24th June, Wednesday 20th July & Thursday 21st July. Click here to download a copy of the term dates for 2022-2023. Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. Friday 3rd September - INSET Day. Oasis Academy Don Valley 2021-2022 Holiday & Term Dates. Monday 6th September 2020. 2021-2022 Term Dates Autumn Term 1 2021. Autumn Term 1. Year 1 Welcome Letters. Wednesday 31st March 2021. Term 2. Friday 27 May 2022 - Academy closes at 3:15pm for half term. Academy Day; Term Dates; Uniform; Travelling to School; Parent Partnership; Academy Lunches. Powered by Finalsite . Beacon Academy Dates 2021/2022. Every Academy within the Oasis Community Learning family benefits from the interconnectivity and shared practice of being part of a national family of 52 academies. INSET Day Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th January 2022. TED day Monday 6 th December Miss Hewitt. Term 3. Friday 22nd October. Academy Closed to Students. The doctor leading a major review seeks to reassure young people as she suggests major changes. Inset Day. OASIS ACADEMY BLAKENHALE - TERM DATES 2019 - 2020 AUTUMN TERM Monday 2nd September 2019 Staff Professional Development Day Tuesday 3rd September 2019 Academy Opens Thursday 24th October 2019 Academy closes at 3:30pm for Half term Holiday Friday 25th October 2019 Staff Professional Development Day Monday 4th November 2019 Staff Professional Development 2021 - 2022 Autumn Term 2021. 21 October 2021. Term Ends. Spring break: March 26, 2023 to April 13, 2023 . Term Dates and INSET Days: 2020/2021 Autumn 1 Tuesday 1st September 2020 New Year 7 Inset Day Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Professional Learning Day - Academy closed to all students Thursday 3rd September 2020 Professional Learning Day - Academy closed to all students Oldham ↗. Staff training days: Thursday 2nd September, Friday 3rd September & Friday 22nd October . Determination of Admission Arrangements for 2022/2023 for Oasis Academy Sholing. Spring Term 2 2022. TED day Thursday 2 nd September . If you add a Tabbed container inside this container, it will style for tabs. Tollbar Multi Academy Trust Academy Year Pattern* Half Term Open Close Number of Days; 1: 2021 Thursday 2 September: Friday 15 October: 32: 2: Monday 1 November The Queen's 70th Year on the Throne - Bank Holidays (During half-term) 2 and 3 June 2022. Nunsthorpe ↗. Friday 16 July 2021. Download a printable copy of the 2021/2022 term dates here .

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oasis academy term dates 2020

oasis academy term dates 2020