New World Build Guide for the Life Staff (Healer).This Life Staff Healer Build Guide focuses healing Expeditions, and supporting your group with some AoE damage via the Ice Gauntlet.This is a PvE Build that is mainly used for Expeditions, but can also be used for more challenging PvE areas, like those with Elites, and can be adapted for PvP as well. The Best New World Builds and Class Guides - Odealo New World has 3 different armor categories, light, medium, and heavy, and you can mix and match pieces of gear in order to obtain your desired build. 1. Info base on game New World. We can wear medium chest, medium pants, and only another one medium part, everything else is light. By using light armor, gamers will have an extra damage percentage increase with any . The Sword and Shield [] combo can be built for either DPS or tank roles, depending on what players prefer or what a party requires. 8 hours ago; Elden Ring: Best ALL Player Level RUNE FARM - 100000s Per Hour EASY - Tips . I watched videos & read posts online regarding Light, Medium & Heavy armor setups. Twitch: are you are using the wrong armor in New World! New World light armor Light armor offers less damage protection in exchange for better mobility, so your dodges get you further from enemies. While light armor gives us a big increase to healing, the lack of defenses make you way too squishy. This is a guide on the best DPS builds in New World. This guide dives deep into the Skills, Passives, and some builds for the Spear in New World. The Fire and Blade Build In this New World Mage build, we will be using Sword and . Using the proper armor set in New World for any of these builds is vital for maximizing efficiency. Light Armor offers the least Physical protection but provides some defense against Elemental Damage. +4 Con and +16 Int. MUST KNOW Light Armor, Medium Armor, & Heavy Armor! This will give us the same amount of armor 290.7, and 12.6 of weight. Medium Armor. How To Acquire: Purchased from faction Quartermaster. Medium. Where a lot of the flexibility comes in is with the secondary weapon. I'll go over which armor to mix match with all the different types of armor. Tower Shield: Light Chest, Medium Legs, rest Light. Not only can you flag yourself for PVP in the open world, but there are designated PVP game modes like sieges and Outpost Rush. Bow/Spear Hunter DPS Build - all-purpose pure DPS setup for a . Armor type . Higher weight shields are obviously better for blocking, but lighter shields allow you to wear better armor and actually result in higher . Evade shot: When using makes your character leap . Light's Embrace. While wearing medium weight armor, your dodge is a quick hop. Since you will be focusing on a ranged approach to combat, you should be fine enough with Medium armor to not be that weak if you want to use a melee weapon as a secondary. The light attack is slashing, the heavy . New World offers players a lot of different ways to approach combat and playstyles. Rabbakowski November 24, 2021, 5:54pm #1. Armor can drop from mobs that you encounter and defeat while exploring Aeternum. New World, Amazon's new MMO, has taken the gaming scene by storm since its release. Hence there are a lot of character builds players can opt for in the game. Since there are many ways to regenerate health in New World, it is more effective to kill a player quickly. Best Faith Build (Mid-Late Game)// Elden Ring Flame Paladin Build Guide 6 hours ago; ELDEN RING RAGE & FUNNY Moments - FAIL Compilation #8 8 hours ago; Elden Ring - 7 INCREDIBLE Armor Sets You Don't Want to Miss - Best Armour Location Guide! You can deal direct and DoT harm with venom or bleed while staying at a distance from the enemy. More information will be added soon. This guide can be considered a more advanced version of our New World Guide to Weapons for Beginners. RELATED: New World: Best Build To Level Up Fast The Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet combo is all built off of one active ability in the Gauntlet's Builder tree: Entombed.Entombed freezes you inside a tower of ice (it can be destroyed) that greatly speeds up mana regeneration.. Due to the mana costs of the Fire Staff's abilities, this is a great ability that keeps you in the fight for longer. NEW WORLD The Best Armor Setup PvP & PvENeed to know what the best armor combination is in New World for PvE or PvP? This set is medium armor — not heavy but provides some protection. New World MMO Tips!Subscribe to the channel for more quality content! It's harder to pull off because of the risk (you gain +20% damage bonus for using light armor, but it's not as defensive as heavy armor which means you can die a lot quicker), but it's a high risk, high reward. In New World you equip armor pieces individually to your character's head, chest, hands, legs, and feet, but there are also full five-piece sets, with bonuses for equipping a set. There are three Factions in. The choice between these is preference. The ultimate New World fansite, featuring Guides & Tools for Amazon's New World MMO, the best builds, tools and map! Killing an opponent before they are able to use a number of consumables and weapon abilities that heal, will dramatically reduce the total amount of damage that is needed to kill that opponent. For most engagements, opening with your Spear is best. Musket And Fire Staff Build. Youtube: . The best light armor set in Elden Ring is the Black Knife Set. For this setup, we decided to pair the Life Staff with the Hatchet, due to it being a strong weapon that brings a ton of benefits to the table, and allows us to play solo. You can deal direct and DoT harm with venom or bleed while staying at a distance from the enemy. That being said, if you want to maximize your DPS and don't play solo or tank, Light Armor might be the way to go - just consider all the downsides before deciding to use it over a heavier set. Top 3 New World Best PVE Builds - Best PVE Weapon Combos. Related: New World: Best Build To Level Up Fast There are a few things that really stick out about the Hatchet: the movement speed buff of the Berserk ability is the only way to speed up your traversal across the map, its sustainability and damage put it up there with the Great Axe, and it pairs very well with ranged weapons. It also includes extra resistance to corruption. New World has a robust PVP system that only gets more enjoyable as the game progresses. I used the values of armor pieces that were all at the same gear score (425). This is incredibly useful because the bulk of character builds in New World will use a physical weapon, therefore having physical absorption on your armor is quite useful. The Sword offers many strong defensive options, and it's the best weapon for tanking; besides, only Shield can block ranged attacks.. In order to maximise on the resistances you'll want to add some heavy and balance those with light. It seems like if you are min/maxing to adhere to a weight, then you should never wear all of one armor type except for Heavy. You still have plenty of healing output in heavy, and the extra defenses are from this armor load are worth it. either it's broken or working as intended, only amazon can say. Also, you will have more stability against knock-back effects and stuns, which will be useful not only in PvP, but also in PvE. Agree 10000% with u,but at war when u have 5-7 GA/BH users on u,there is no chance to avoid death with VG…with rapier there is a small chance to do it…and i as i already told,is my personal opinion…i love VG and its my primary set up as i told u…just for wars,at current stage of game,rapier is better IMO… RELATED: New World: PvP Weapon Tier List As New World is a classless system, picking the right PVP build really depends on how you want to play and what sort of vague class you . Estimated Agility: 300, the rest preferably in the constitution. Moreover, wearing Heavy Armor will let you solo more powerful monsters, so it's a much more versatile choice than going with Light Armor. Use your CC abilities to give yourself a window to swap weapons, allowing . You deal 10% bonus damage and healing. New World armor types explained. Top 4 Best Solo Player Builds In New World 2022 For PVP & PVE. these builds all use light armour for the dodge roll - but if you'd like to run a tankier build and don some heavy armour, it's a good idea to go for a great . The Best Musket Builds In New World. The Best New World Builds. The ultimate New World fansite, featuring Guides & Tools for Amazon's New World MMO, the best builds, tools and map! There are some tips for the Best Armor for Healer in New World Consider heavy armor, as the 20% damage reduction that lighter armor offers does not apply to healing, so you should consider being a bit tanky. Onyx is perhaps the best armor gem because it absorbs 2.5 percent of physical damage. Equipment. Either 2 heavy 1 medium and 2 light or 2 heavy 2 medium and 1 light give the best out come of . How to get high level gear drops in New World. This guide can be considered a more advanced version of our New World Guide to Weapons for Beginners.By the end of this guide, you should have a thorough understanding of the Life Staff and with practice be able to fully master it. These 3 New World builds for PVE are super fast and powerful for mob farming, making them ideal for mob farming, up to level 60, high-tier expeditions, elite farming, and a variety of other tasks. This page will help you choose the best Spells, Perks, Equipment, as well as a detailed guide on how to play them effectively. Another build that I saw while participating in the beta (although not very common), was a Light Armor PvP Mage Build. The Life Staff is the primary healing weapon in New World, so every healing build will have it equipped. Each equipable item has its own gear score - the higher it is, the more powerful the weapon. It offers amazing sustainable DPS with a high critical strike chance, potent DoTs, and extra cold damage and mana regen from Ice Gauntlet. Round Shield: Heavy Chest, Medium Legs, 1x Medium/2x Light among remaining. It offers amazing sustainable DPS with a high critical strike chance, potent DoTs, and extra cold damage and mana regen from Ice Gauntlet. - Attributes: Strength (5), Dexterity (300), Intelligence (5), Focus (5), Constitution (150) Go with the light category and the best setup is to have medium chess piece and then the wrist light equipment. The Sword levels a bit more slowly than the purely DPS-focused weapons. Fire Staff/Ice Gaunlet PVE DPS Build - pretty much the best spell-caster setup for PvE content in New World Online. Optimal armor combinations. For a Musket setup, it's recommendable to use Medium or Light Armor if you want to use a magic weapon as a secondary, like the Ice Gauntlet. Gear Explanation. New World builds with an emphasis on agility and gradual damage. This is a guide on the best Healer builds in New World. New World is officially live, which means companies and players alike will need the best PvP builds to defend their newly acquired territory.PvP is a major part of New World that can either take place in open-world gameplay or, in the case of Wars and Outpost Rush, can be scheduled.The best PvP builds will depend on the role players choose to take on, such as a Tank, DPS, Healer, and more. Armor type . Armor type: light. It may sound counterintuitive since most MMORPG caster classes are restricted to wearing light armor. Want to learn how to utilize the power of light in New World? Armor that drops from these encounters will have a set gear score, tier, and possibly perks. If you're using the Spear for Expeditions or PvE, you may want to switch it out to a full medium set of armor. By the end of this guide, you should have a thorough understanding of the Spear and with practice be able to fully master it. Armor in New World can be obtained from drops, crafting, the trading post, faction vendor, outpost rush armor crates, and by completing special armor quests. So in this guide, we recommend top 3 best builds in New World for PVE. so in summation, i use heavy armor to heal b/c a dead healer can't heal plus light armor seems have no upsides what so ever: the +20% heal increase is clearly busted. Armor type: light. The recommended gear for this build is light armor (perhaps a medium chest) and Rally 4 or Opportunist Gems. However I had a piece already that limited me and I wanted to know the best combination with said piece. There are a number of factors influencing what makes up the best armor types in New World. As New World exists on the Steam platform, you can see if there are any of your currently online steam friends playing New World and if they're located on a server on the list. We'll be showing you New World Best . Musket And Rapier Build. Malachite and diamond are two more jewels that are good for armor. I also crunched my own numbers using the Syndicate Tier 1 Armors.. Bow/Spear Hunter DPS Build - all-purpose pure DPS setup for a . Although it doesn't have much of a crowd control tool kit, the greataxe makes up for what it lacks with high damage potential and survivability mechanics such as the Hunger passive under Reap. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Duelist Best Build. For Armor on the Templar Build I prefer the fast-paced, risk / reward playstyle that Light Armor brings, allowing you to quickly dodge in and out of combat. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest DPS builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1! . Then it is time to create the particulars of your character. To get the best possible physical and elemental resistance while still remaining in the Light Armor category, players should use: Medium Chest Light Helm Light Gloves Light Legs Light Boots Best Medium Armor Equip Load That extra mobility is crucial for PvP. Kite Shield: Heavy Chest, rest Light. . In PvP, burst damage is king. These armor set. It's ideal for healers and ranged weapon users, such . Then to fit in light we have to options: We can wear medium chest with only light parts which give us 290.7 of armor, 11.7 of weight. Not only is Light Armor great for mobility, it also gives us the best Healing and Damage of all Armor Types in New World. The best armor to use for a Spear build is probably Light Armor. New World builds with an emphasis on agility and gradual damage. Aside from offering solid protection and being easy for any character to equip due to its low weight, it also allows its wearer to . Fire Staff/Ice Gaunlet PVE DPS Build - pretty much the best spell-caster setup for PvE content in New World Online. Top 3 New World Best PVE Builds - Best PVE Weapon Combos. So in this guide, we recommend top 3 best builds in New World for PVE. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest Healer builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1! Don't worry I've got all the answers h. Weapon: rapier and ice gauntlet. Here I will be showing how t. New World Build Guide for the Bow and Spear.This Hunter Cyclone Bow and Spear Build that focuses on dealing damage over time, as well as significant AoE damage to destroy enemies quickly, while also knocking them down, preventing you and your teammates from taking damage. New World Armor WEIGHTS! did some testing last night using light vs heavy using the light attack heal you can spec: there was NO difference in healing at all. Best PvP build in New World. Armor in New World can also provide your character with special bonuses and additional attribute points through the use of perks and gem slots. New World Armor Sets Light Armor Sets. Optimal Armor Setup For Each Weight Class. Equipment Load (Heavy): Heavy armor, in my opinion, is the best equipment load for the build. However, New World's class setup is different from other games, and the mage class is inherently a bit more of a "Battle Mage" due to the short-range abilities. Musket And Hatchet Build. Best Sword and Shield Tank Build Best Fire Staff DPS Build In New World there are many weapons to choose from, the Life Staff is one of them. Bow and Hatchet Build. New World is officially live, which means companies and players alike will need the best PvP builds to defend their newly acquired territory.PvP is a major part of New World that can either take place in open-world gameplay or, in the case of Wars and Outpost Rush, can be scheduled.The best PvP builds will depend on the role players choose to take on, such as a Tank, DPS, Healer, and more. once you select a world, there is a short intro video (which can be skipped by holding any button). Rush into New World PvP with some of the best character builds for New World. by Sergey_3847 Whether you're doing an Outpost Rush or War modes in New World 's PvP, you need to find a solid build for your character that will keep you alive while doling out the damage. I did some math things and found the optimal armor setups for each weight class to maximize the amount of defense you gain within the weight restrictions. Estimated Agility: 300, the rest preferably in the constitution. Weapon: rapier and ice gauntlet. The maximum gear score is 600, so if you're at level . Duelist Best Build. Armor Choices. Best Light Armor Equip Load The weight limit for Light Armor builds in New World is 13.0. Guide. The Greataxe in New World performs very well in PvP due to its high functioning abilities like Charge, Gravity Well, Reap, and Execute. This is a PvE Build designed specifically with Expeditions in mind, but can also be used for PvE in general, and can be . The results are below. Choose the greataxe if you want a hard hitting and visceral melee . Medium armor builds are the most popular at the moment due to the balance of resistances and damage with some flexibility to movement. This guide is an in-depth dive into all things Life Staff, including Builds! Many players are delving into the game's Weapon Mastery system to find a good pair of weapons to stick with. These 3 New World builds for PVE are super fast and powerful for mob farming, making them ideal for mob farming, up to level 60, high-tier expeditions, elite farming, and a variety of other tasks. Updated for New World . The Best New World Builds. The best light armor set in Elden Ring is the Black Knife Set. Light Armor also adds the least to your Equip Load, allowing you to easily stay in the Light state where evading performs a quick roll that covers a lot of distance. Hey everyone. The role of a Caster DPS Class in New World In this New World Guide, I show you the best armor combinations. Aside from offering solid protection and being easy for any character to equip due to its low weight, it also allows its wearer to . More information will be added soon. Hey everyone, I just recently noticed that you should combine different armor weights in order to maximize the protection within a weightclass. 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