This article covers The Quadrangle, The Mystic Cross, and The Girdle of Venus. The Girdle of Venus The semicircle which rises between the base of the index finger and middle finger and ends between the base of little finger and ring finger is called the girdle of Venus. The girdle of venus can indicate a wound-up and nervous person. In every case where the Line of Heart shows kindness or timidity or in case there is hasty hot temperament or delicate feelings, the Girdle of Venus is always present. It moves parallel with the heart line and goes towards the girdle of Venus. Venus Palmistry : The Mount of Venus, The Girdle of Venus: Venus Symbolism : Shell, myrtle, rose, swan, girdle : Probably among the most famous of Greek and Roman goddesses is Aphrodite/Venus, the goddess of love. This line may be complete or broken. Girdle of Venus: Showcases a person’s nervousness and excitement; Health Line: Says about an individual’s overall health; Intuition Line: Depicts the intensity of an individual’s intuitive nature; Relationship Line: Marriage line palmistry is useful for knowing a person's affairs, relationship, and marriage prediction. The Girdle of Venus NavigationBackPalmistry HomeHome Page. Astro-Palmistry Report¹ based on Vedic Astrology from the Lal Kitab² system. You can see that palmistry lines for affairs outside marriage are broken at various points. Palmistry – the line of Love & Leisure. Description; Printed on a professional 200g high quality paper. VI. Here are a number of highest rated Palmistry Rare Lines pictures upon internet. The Girdle of Venus is the first of a minor line in your palm. A Palmistry reading should give at least the same results as an astrology reading, only reached by looking through a different window. Together with them, the travel lines as well as the girdle of Venus would be supposed to be the other minor lines. 26 The LORD detests the thoughts of the wicked, but the words of the pure are pleasant to Him. These signs are classified among the small lines of one’s hand. In fact, palmistry not only refers to the reading of one’s hand or palm, it also includes the reading of arm, finger and fingernail. Lines. This month’s palm displays some excitement for this world-weary palm reader – because it is ‘not-the-usual’ palm for several reasons. Palmistry or also so-called palm reading is designed to ask for a thorough study of several palm lines, covering the lines that won’t be as renowned as the two major lines: Heart line or Life line. Lesson Length: 5m57s. Palmistry: Please press the BACK button and enter all required details. ; masturbation, pornography, sadomasochism, etc.). The belt of Venus, an atmospheric phenomenon. Leave this field empty if you're human: My Courses; Login. Girdle of Venus Girdle of Venus. Details below. The Travel Lines indicate major travels. This article is kind of beginner guide to palmistry. Palmistry. Chinese Palm Reading. It starts from the bottom of your 1 st finger to the bottom of your 4 th finger . Some people even have a second Heart Line, which floats above the first. Palmistry is reading all aspects of one’s palm to tell about the past present and future of a person. Best Signs In Palmistry And Super Powerful Signs On Your Hands? The Girdle of Venus reflects to sensuous side of the subject. Very cunning. Located above the Heart Line, Girdle of Venus is the arched line surrounding middle finger and ring finger. It’s also regarded as the sister line of Heart Line which is often seen on the soft palms. Put this absolutely FREE script on your site in under two minutes! Palmistry: Girdle of Venus In Palmistry, we have several lines to explore. By Sister Palm There are dozens of special markings on the hands to consider when reading the hand. Palmistry Marcus: Broken Girdle of Venus, Broken Dreams. This is between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers and comes across the mounts of Saturn and Apollo, it ends between the Apollo and Mercury fingers, which is the arch line between your middle and ring fingers. These lines can be broken shape, good or bad. Palmistry Rare Lines. Individuals with the Ring of Venus highlight solid feeling of excellence and ability in workmanship and creation. Ring of Solomon is the first ring in rings in palmistry. Branch Of Health Line Goes To Mount Of Venus Palmistry Five Fingers on the Hand Palmistry, Extra Finger on the hand Palmistry Hairs On Second Phalange of Ring Finger Palmistry No Marriage Line On Hand Palmistry But these good qualities will only be employed if the Line of Head is clear … Palmistry with the meaning of palm reading or hand prediction is to learn a person’s personalities, fortune and future by analyzing his/her hands. The palmistry minor lines, or secondary lines, can reveal an individual?s talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Almost everyone in the Western world knows that she represents romance and relationships. Girdle of Venus is present on both hands and cutting the sun line on the left hand as shown, heart line is thick suggests he is extra sensitive to other people’s opinions and comments that creates inner turmoil, restlessness, anxiety, abnormal palpitation … Broken Girdle of Venus = Sensuality of the worst kind. Introduction of Palmistry. First, palmistry it is based on understanding the shape of the hand, then identifying the palmistry lines like the line life line, fate line, Girdle of Venus and others. When it’s found on both hands, it further confirms these tendencies. The palmistry minor lines, or secondary lines, can reveal an individual?s talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses. The Girdle Of Venus In most of the books on Palmistry written in the English tongue, I have noticed a great reluctance on the part of the authors to call things by their names and to state facts with the blunt-ness that pertains to all scientific investigations. The first and the foremost line on human palm is the heart line. What Does Girdle of Venus Mean in Palmistry? Ring of Solomon The Ring of Solomon is a small circular line, in the shape of a half-ring that rises between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn, running downwards and encircling the Mount of Jupiter [Picture 2]. Lines. This is due to the bad influence of planets and the incompatibility of their palm lines. Indian vedic palmistry deals with marriage lines, divorce lines, separation lines in the palms and how to understand them. Newsletter. Reading for Mr.MB Overview of Horoscope- Positive Points—Placement of Venus in 5th House (Good for education, studies, following a religion, gives a big friend[…] It is considered an omen or nature's warning, the effects of which are detailed below. Ghanshyam has developed an online college-level Palmistry Certification program. This line is found in few hands only. Shipping: US-Mainland: $12.00 (more destinations) Condition: Brand new. April 1, 2017 12:00 am by Ghanshyam Singh Birla. Palmistry is in itself a complete science which can forecast the future of an individual authentically. The Girdle of Venus The semicircle which rises between the base of the index finger and middle finger and ends between the base of little finger and ring finger is called the girdle of Venus. Learn everything an expat should know about managing finances in Germany, including bank accounts, paying taxes, getting insurance and investing. Girdle of Venus appears on the hands of individuals who tend to be ultra-sensitive. Love and Sensitivity of the Highest Order. It makes an individual highly sensitive and an ... Palmistry is an ancient Read More.. prev; 1 2 3 All content on this website is copyrighted. An alternative name for the chastity belt. The major lines of the hand are the life line, head line, Girdle of Venus, sun line, mercury line, and fate line. Located above the Heart Line, Girdle of Venus is the arched line surrounding middle finger and ring finger. The History Of Palmistry. If it is found, it commences between the bases of fingers of Jupiter and Saturn and ends between fingers of Apollo and Mercury. Adjacent to the mount of Venus is the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm. Ring of Solomon — Rings in Palmistry LOCATION MEANINGS OF RING OF SOLOMON. Continuing further from my previous blog Significant Markings- Island today we will discuss about Girdle of Venus.. The Girdle of Venus. A Complete Ring Is Protective. mole on the girdle of venus!! Some people even have a second Heart Line, which floats above the first. Palmistry not only tells what will happen in the future. This is between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers and comes across the mounts of Saturn and Apollo, it ends between the Apollo and Mercury fingers, which is the arch line between your middle and ring fingers. So, I raised my hands!! Marcus was a talented young animator from a small Canadian town who, despite his inherent shyness, applied for a job at a major Hollywood film studio. Girdle of Venus Archives - American Academy of Hand Analysis. The Girdle of Venus | Palmistry. It also is a way of finding out why things happen. The Girdle of Venus reflects to sensuous side of the subject which intensifies the emotions. Many of us have heard of the infamous “lifeline,” as well as the travel lines or the “Girdle of Venus.” While there tend to be many different names given to small markings on your average hand, to a palmist, they all mean something. This section is from the book "The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes", by C. de Saint-Germain. Each hand type gives insight into your personality. In the present day modern world, it would be very helpful for a person if his future is known. Your Venus isnt very … 8 of 10 Palmistry – How to Create Quality Handprint. Their meanings can vary, depending on the hand shape, markings, mounts and the other lines nearby or crossing over them. Venus Line - Palminstry. She said “Stick ‘em up!”. There are many and often conflicting— interpretations of various lines … Tweet. Some of the lines of the hand in Palmistry 1: Life line – 2: Head line – 3: Heart line – 4: Girdle of Venus – 5: Sun line – 6: Mercury line – 7: Fate line. Fire in palmistry is Mars while the fuel in our body is Venus. Venus is the energy and fuel within us while Mars is the fire that requires fuel to burn. Now the mundane things are out the way with, lets have a look at matters of the heart and all those things that make life worth the living. Would make a good crook. The Girdle of Venus reflects to sensuous side of the subject. Palmistry also considers the lines harmful to married life and the girdle of Venus. When large, it shows desire to dominate, to rule and command others, to lead and organise, and to carry out some distinct object. Finally, we will teach you the fine tuning of fortune telling through palm reading, learning about the minor lines. It Shows highly-strung, nervous temperament. This video is about the line known as the Girdle of Venus in Palmistry. Girdle of Venus means unhealthy passions and vices of sexual nature (i.e. Numerous "super-detail" modifications were made to the model and give an idea as to what can be done in this line. Marriage is one of the important aspects of life. Mount of Moon is water and for life to survive and grow water too is required. The heart line would be able to provide insight into this. GIRDLE-RING OF VENUS (शुक्र वलय) :: This Is A Dangerous Possession.The Subject Acquires Venereal Diseases Through Multiple Sex Partners, Unsafe Sex, Visit To Brothels-Red Light Areas Etc., If Broken. Author: Ghanshyam Singh Birla Ghanshyam Singh Birla, founder of the Birla College, has dedicated his life to teaching the ancient science of Vedic Palmistry. Also available from Amazon: The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. Situated over the Heart Line, Girdle of Venus is the angled line encompassing center finger and ring finger. - chain or Girdle best value for money ”!!!!! It relates to emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate. It is also called Chiromancy. Career Analysis seen on the Hand $ 29.97 Select options. Palmistry also considers the lines harmful to married life and the girdle of Venus. The Girdle of Venus. It makes an individual highly sensitive and an ... Palmistry is an ancient Read More.. prev; 1 2 3 All content on this website is copyrighted. Palmistry. What Does Girdle of Venus Mean in Palmistry? It is also called Chiromancy. There is a group of small lines, known as Minor lines, which do not appear in every hand, but which occur often enough in the same lcations to take them out of the class called chance lines, and to form them into a division by themselves. Fame line, Health line, Travel line, Marriage line, and Girdle of Venus. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists.. Wants to do the remedy for the feedback.. palmistry fascinates me years, as you have a on! The item will be dispatched in 1-3 days after your payment. Finally, we will teach you the fine tuning of fortune telling through palm reading, learning about the minor lines. Palmistry: Girdle of Venus In Palmistry, we have several lines to explore. This arch shaped line can either be complete or partly visible, the more it is clear - more the problem is. $ 9.99 Select options. If you have a girdle of Venus on your palm, then you will take longer to recover from heart break than other people --- this in turn can make … All about Palmistry. Ellen made a few amazing and very pithy observations from a 4 second observation. The Girdle of Venus can indicate a wound-up and nervous person. Marriage is one of the important aspects of life. It’s also regarded as the sister line of Heart Line which is often seen on the soft palms. by. A Palm Reading Chart You’ll Want to Refer to Over and Over Again. Signs. Click here for more details. It starts from the reading of palm lines. In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read which are Life Line, Head Line (also Wisdom Line) and Heart Line (also Love Line). Adjacent to the mount of Venus is the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm. Some of the lines of the hand in Palmistry 1: Life line – 2: Head line – 3: Heart line – 4: Girdle of Venus – 5: Sun line – 6: Mercury line – 7: Fate line. “Your Palm is God’s road map to your Soul”, said my Palmistry Teacher, Ellen Goldberg during an introductory lecture. The Girdle of Venus is the first of a minor line in your palm. is a platform for academics to share research papers. In fact, palmistry not only refers to the reading of one’s hand or palm, it also includes the reading of arm, finger and fingernail. It normally starts from in between the first and second finger, and ends between the third and the fourth finger circling the Apollonian and atrinian mounts : It bespeaks of sensitivity and love of accult powers. Palmistry & The Girdle of Venus – The Pros and Cons of Sensitivity. A, will; B, logic; C, mount of Venus; D, mount of Jupiter; E, mount of Saturn; F, mount of Apollo; G, mount of Mercury; H, mount of Mars; I, mount of the … It would be easier for him to reach his destined destination. However, the girdle of Venus has a negative reputation in Palmistry. However, not all of it is true --- let's find out how. It is said that those who have the girdle of Venus have love issues --- including restlessness, insecurity and even cheating partners! The Fame Line in Palmistry is also known as the Apollo Line, Sun Line or Success Line. July 19, 2021 by manish paliwal Leave a Comment. We put up with this kind of Palmistry Rare Lines graphic could possibly be the most trending topic taking into account we allowance it in google pro or facebook. Topics referred to by the same term. The advantage of Palmistry over Astrology is that Palmistry is a direct alive reflection of you, and not some mathematical chart. Double Heart line, Double Girdle of Venus, Double Life line. Express, Basic or Complete Hand Reading Report. Palmistry is based on: The shape of the hands: there are four types of hand shapes based on the elements of earth, air, water and fire. Lesson Length: 3m44s. But they have huge importance in one’s life. Girdle Of Venus In Palmistry The Girdle of Venus exists in the form of a semi-circle rising between the first and second fingers, and ends between the third and fourth. This is called a Girdle of Venus (see photo).The Girdle of Venus may be complete (as in the picture) or, more often, … People with this line are extremely sensitive and emotional. Also important for the reading are the mounts on the palm: the mount of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Moon, and Venus mount. In Palmistry, the love lines responsible for love and romance create attraction between oppsite gender. It’s additionally viewed as the sister line of Heart Line which is frequently observed on the delicate palms. “Palmistry, or Chiromancy, is the art which professes to discover the temperament and character of anyone, as well as the past and future events of his life, from an examination of the palm of his hand; and of the lines traced upon it. Your mound of Venus is grilled, so you have a healthy love making life. Symbolically it can indicate a need for shielding or creating emotional boundaries. It’s also regarded as the sister line of Heart Line which is often seen on the soft palms. Basics of Palmistry Do You Know The Meaning Of Minor Lines On Your Palm?-Palmistry May 22, 2018 fcpalmistry 0. If you decide to continue your exploration of palmistry, you’ll also learn about the “angle of generosity” and the “girdle of Venus” or the “mystic cross” as you delve deeper into this fascinating and detailed subject. You have no Girdle of Venus so you arent prone to fits of hysteria. Lesson Length: 7m30s. The Girdle of Venus, The Ring of Saturn and the Bracelets. Palmistry also considers the lines harmful to married life and the girdle of Venus. Palmistry with the meaning of palm reading or hand prediction is to learn a person’s personalities, fortune and future by analyzing his/her hands. However, we can’t place a time on the events that are going to happen. The semicircle which rises between the base of the index finger and middle finger and ends between the base of little finger and ring finger is called the girdle of Venus. Vedic Palmoscope Report. Located above the Heart Line, Girdle of Venus is the arched line surrounding middle finger and ring finger. The Apollo line indicates worldly attainments or rewards, creative expression, brilliance […] It is a sign of a violent temperament and fury, and when it is unbroken, it most often points toward a tendency for hysteria and … You’ll find it ( if you have one ) forming a semi circle covering the middle two fingers, close to the base of the aforementioned fingers. Palmistry or Chiromancy involves the practice of telling fortunes and interpreting character from the lines on the palm of your hand. It is an arched line surrounding the middle finger and the ring finger. Other lines (chains, crosses, breaks, and forks) along with unlined areas (islands) of the hand are read to show disruptions and changes in the subject's life. Palmistry Girdle of Venus. Palmistry & The Girdle of Venus – The Pros and Cons of Sensitivity Most people know about the Heart Line in Palmistry, which represents your approach to love and commitment. Margaret Ruth,Can you post Palmistry information on the Fame Line and the Girdle of Venus?— Jehanzeb, Lahore Certainly and thank you for sending me your good question. The Girdle Of Venus. The Girdle of Venus is sometimes found broken and sometimes unbroken. Just copy and paste the codes onto your site and you are all set to go! Who likes to lead an ordinary and simple life and rebirth Meaning of the mole is present on attachment! Another term is the mirage line. This is due to the bad influence of planets and the incompatibility of their palm lines. Persons with this line in their palm are more mentally sensual than physically so. The Girdle of Venus is often found in triangular hands with conic or pointed finger tips; it is seen in ladies’ hands more than in men’s. If it is found, it commences between the bases of fingers of Jupiter and Saturn and ends between fingers of Apollo and Mercury. Girdle of Venus may refer to: Girdle of Aphrodite, a magical accessory of Aphrodite / Venus. 9 of 10 Palmistry – The Fingers 1/2. On the Mount of Jupiter situated at the base of the forefinger, there is a line bowing marginally upward and focusing on the Mount of Jupiter, which is known as the Ring of Solomon, additionally alluded to as the Ring of Jupiter. Details. Venus girdle, Cestum veneris, a species of comb jelly. Palmistry, chiromancy, or palm reading is an ancient art of reading the future from the person’s palm. In order to bring a sense of satisfaction for himself and peek into the depths of future, he devised Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry. Analysing the Girdle of Venus Palmistry Chart 18"x28" (45cm/70cm) Poster. These individuals can experience extreme highs and extreme lows. News: The Girdle Of Venus - Palmistry News: Images of the Moon, Saturn, and Venus from My New Telescope News: Cleaners From Venus Cassettes News: Astronomical Observing News (3/21 to 3/27) News: Jupiter and Venus Rising Before the Sun the girdle of venus, the ring of saturn, and the bracelets These marks are classed among the minor lines of the hands, but they often have a significance that is of the greatest importance. Sun Line stronger than a Girdle of Venus. This knowledge will help you in understanding the presence of palmistry lines for extramarital affairs. In palmistry, the girdle of Venus (or the ring of Venus) is a broken or unbroken semi circle, which bulges out between the middle and ring fingers and whose ends are by the pinky and index finger.. And Girdle of Venus can indicate a need for shielding or creating emotional boundaries,. 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