Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. Multi faceted definition based on common meanings and most popular ways to define words related to multi faceted. How to say faceted in English? Faceted - definition of faceted by The Free Dictionary Synonym: aspect. Faceted search is a core feature of search applications that enhances traditional search functions with a faceted navigation system. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word facet. Information about facet in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Having or involving many different aspects or features. A person with a multi-faceted … (adjective) On the same day the Chief of Police came to Pierre, inviting him to send a representative to the Faceted Palace to recover things that were to be returned to their owners that day. A temperature gradient is simply how fast temperature changes over a certain distance within the snowpack. 1.2. This facet of the diamond was masterfully cut to enhance its value. Download PDF. n. 1. What does facet mean? split-point Define faceted. A faceted code in accounting is a series of grouped numbers that represent different headings an accountant may use. ‘the world of opera is highly faceted’. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Faceted : English Word Search - You Go Words! Girdle is the thin perimeter of a diamond, dividing the crown above from the pavilion below. “Faceted navigation” refers to how Ecommerce websites allow visitors to filter and sort results based on product attributes. Learn the definition of 'faceted slope'. What is a faceted, definition of faceted, meaning of faceted, faceted anagrams, words starting with faceted. Learn more. Learn more. Definition. multifaceted pronunciation. nebulous definition: 1. adjective. This is the British English definition of multifaceted.View American English definition of multifaceted. What does having a 'multifaceted personality mean? Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Faceted search allows you to search only in certain fields of documents, for example, only in the content field or in the file name field. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Multifaceted meaning and usage. Filters vs. Inclusive Education is a Multi-Faceted Concept David Mitchell1 • With the impetus of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, inclusive education is an idea whose time has arrived around the world. Colour-zoned Cr- and V-bearing tourmaline from Kenya Definition Having facets; "a faceted diamond" Compound Words A compound word, faceted has more than one word within it. Faceted search definition. We are Hiring! Multivariate Behavioral Research, 13, 3, 327-46, Jul 78. If you feel the pronunciation should be better then record pronunciation in your own voice and help others. Definition of faceted in English: faceted. 1 Having many sides. Big word alert!–temperature gradient. Having facets. The definition of Facet is: Facets are cut flat surfaces on a gemstone. faceted का हिंदी मतलब और अर्थ। faceted हिन्दी मीनिंग ।faceted ka matlab, faceted ka arth In this article. This extensive Latin course and graded audiobook library was started in 2006 to help students across the world teach themselves Latin using extensive audio courses and resources. faceted - Dictionary definition and meaning for word faceted. Achievement Motive: A Faceted Definition and Structural Analysis. This first early version of what would become the modern Brilliant Cut is said to have been devised by an Italian named Peruzzi, sometime in the late 17th century. Multifaceted definition: (of a gem ) having many facets | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Information and translations of faceted in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. adjective. More example sentences. This paper. "Facets of Fire": Keepsake's patented diamond cut with 74 facets that gives off more light and greater … What does MFR mean? Browse the use examples 'faceted slope' in the great English corpus. (especially of ideas) not clear and having no form: 2. What does faceted mean? How to say -faceted. What is Faceted Classification? adj. /ˌmʌlti ˈ fæsətəd/. Definition of multifaceted adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. a small polished surface of a cut gem; aspect; phase; side: Consider every facet of the argument. Faceted Metadata (15 min) Definition Advantages Interface Design using Faceted Metadata (40 min) The Chess Analogy The Nobel Prize Example Results of Usability Studies Software Tools Design Issues (15 min) Q&A (15 min) CHI 2006 6 Hearst, Smalley, & Chandler. Three things to think about when designing faceted navigation. Faceted Navigation. [more multifaceted; most multifaceted] : having many different parts : having many facets. Change your default dictionary to … (especially of ideas) not clear and…. Facets: Definitions. To hear some DAM professionals talk about it, faceted search is the best thing since buttered toast. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of faceted. When viewing a diamond in its setting or from a profile view, the girdle is the widest part (or the circumference) of the polished diamond - the portion of the stone that makes contact with the setting itself. This video shows you how to pronounce FACET in British English. ‘sharp-angled, many-faceted rubies’. If an accountant is keeping the books for a retail location, for example, she may state that Facet 1, or group 1, represents the different departments within the store; Facet 2 represents the different types of costs the store could incur; and Facet … (Author/JKS) Because it’s a fact … Summary: The terms “filters” and “faceted navigation” are often used interchangeably; although related, these concepts have important differences. See Bilateral locked facet, Unilateral locked facet. Premium quality wholesale loose cut faceted gemstone cabochons for jewelry making and designing. Triangular facets rise to form a shape like a faceted mound. How to pronounce -faceted. An enumerative classification contains a full set of entries for all concepts. See more. Oral health is multi-faceted and includes the ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow and convey a range of emotions through facial expressions with confidence and without pain, discomfort and disease of the craniofacial complex (head, face, and oral cavity). The more facets there are, the more the stone sparkles as the light is reflected in many directions. Faceted Search. multifaceted synonyms, multifaceted pronunciation, multifaceted translation, English dictionary definition of multifaceted. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'facet':. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'faceted':. 1 Having many sides. Carefully selected gemstones help you create outstanding necklaces, bracelets and earrings.. Faceted: A gemstone carved with a regular pattern of many planes, or "facets". Rose cut. Speaker has a received pronunciation accent. Definition of Faceted. Welcome to Latinum. The faceted stone weighed 6.11 ct and measured 18.04 x 6.42 x 5.85 mm; it was polished in the classic tourmaline style of a step cut with a long keel oriented parallel to the c-axis. Having many facets or aspects. 1.1. There are two primary types of classification used for information organization: enumerative and faceted. To achieve this goal, we employed the facet analytic approach and developed a faceted definition of organizational … adjective. Define -faceted. Diamond Girdle. Facet definition, one of the small, polished plane surfaces of a cut gem. facet: [noun] any of the definable aspects that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object (as of consideration). CAE simulations then break down this NURBS representation into facets by a process known as meshing. Search double-faceted and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. facet A small, smooth surface of a bone where articulation occurs. The faceted bulbs are the most popular because the faceted bulbs are most traditional, represent the most traditional shape for LED bulbs and seem to “disperse” the light out. Multi-faceted means many-sided. A two facet drill can work well for many things. Facet arrangements. What does faceted mean? ; Record yourself saying 'facet' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Of the hundreds of facet arrangements that have been used, the most famous is probably the round brilliant cut, used for diamond and many colored gemstones. Faceted drill points are easy to produce in the home shop because the work path for sharpening is a simple straight line. Faceted models consist of groups of polygons (often triangles). With good reason too. MFR MOST FORWARD PROGRESS WITHIN RADIUS. Faceted navigation (also called faceted search) is an in-page navigation system used for ecommerce sites, listing sites and other websites that deal with a large list of results. adjective. FDI’s definition of oral health. Samuel Shye. Learn more. Premium quality wholesale loose cut faceted gemstone cabochons for jewelry making and designing. What's the definition of Multifaceted in thesaurus? 1 Having many sides. Meaning of faceted. Scrabble Is faceted a scrabble word? Definition (adj) having facets Example Sentence. A short summary of this paper. Performance of two facet drill points can be improved by adding secondary relief facets. ‘the polished, faceted gemstones are beautifully crafted and highly noticeable’. One of the flat polished surfaces cut on a gemstone or occurring naturally on a crystal. a faceted diamond Connect with us on Facebook. Faceted definition: having facets | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Vickery had four steps for making a faceted classification scheme: first, " [t]he essence of facet analysis is the sorting of terms in a given field of knowledge into homogeneous, mutually exclusive facets, each derived from the parent universe by a single characteristic of division" (1960, 12). multifaceted: [adjective] having many facets (see facet 1) or aspects. faceted - Meaning in Telugu, what is the meaning of faceted in Telugu dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of faceted in Telugu and English. ‘Its symbolism is as many-faceted as a well-cut diamond.’. Creating faceted search queries. Break 'faceted' down into sounds: say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. The child's learning disability was only one facet of the problems contributing to his delinquency. We've got 1 rhyming word for faceted » What rhymes with faceted? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word faceted. Pronunciation of faceted with 1 audio pronunciation, 7 synonyms, 1 antonym, 13 translations, 3 sentences and more for faceted. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Define facet. A facet is a side. Learn more. Definition of faceted in the Dictionary. faceted meaning. -faceted definition: 1. having the stated number of facets: 2. having the stated number of facets: . MFR MANUFACTURER. A faceted classification system uses a set of semantically cohesive categories that are combined as needed to create an expression of a concept. Consequently, the question is what are the components of these practices and why do they relate to organizational effectiveness. Angular snow with poor bonding created from large temperature gradients within the snowpack. Centre for Behavioral Science 3 Coleman Street #04-35 Peninsula Shopping Centre Singapore 179804 +65 6278 9785 Different from hierarchical classification systems, a faceted classification system allows a subject material to be classed under more than one facet, which creates more than one path to access the material. facet ( plural facets ) Any one of the flat surfaces cut into a gem. "Facets of Fire": Keepsake's patented diamond cut with 74 facets that gives off more light and greater … Pronunciation of multi-faceted with 1 audio pronunciations 0 rating rating ratings Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. info); 1st August 1899 – 28 February 1936) was an Indian independence activist and the wife of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India.Her daughter Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India. definitions - FACETED report a problem. faceplates facer facers faces facesaving facesitter facesitters facet facet joints facet of atlas for dens: facet plane facet rhizotomy facete facetectomy faceted (current term) facetely faceth facetiae facetime faceting: facetious facetiously Customers expect to find what they are looking for as fast as possible. Its purpose is to help users find what they’re looking for more easily using multiple filters based on listings attributes. The factor-analytic history of the isolation and definition of the three most important currently recognized reasoning factors (general reasoning, induction, and logical or deductive reasoning) is traced through the psychometric literature, and the interdependence of these abilities is … Learn more. Faceted navigation simplifies site search by presenting shoppers with a smart, logical user interface. This can be further improved for some tasks by adding SPA's. multifaceted: 1 adj having many aspects “a multifaceted undertaking” Synonyms: many-sided , miscellaneous , multifarious varied characterized by variety Faceted search definition: Faceted search, or guided navigation as it’s sometimes referred to, is a search method that utilizes the metadata attributed to a product in a store, providing visitors an opportunity to filter and refine their search queries when looking for specific products. Here’s a quick and simple definition: A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature. Definition of faceted in the dictionary. However, this isn’t a standard cutting method). Human resource (HR) professionals and employers perceive different practices as affecting organizational effectiveness. As per a definition that was flashed in a website of faceted jewellery , faceted stones are small and have flat cut surfaces. Faceted Action System Theory (FAST) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 2014. Mnemonic Dictionary. facet (n.) 1. a distinct feature or element in a problem "he studied every facet of the question" 2. any of the numerous small cone-shaped eyes that make up the compound eyes of some arthropods. The complex and multi-faceted nature of the cognitive process of reasoning is discussed. (Occasionally, you’ll see a gem with a faceted pavilion and a domed crown. There's 2 words which are face, and ted. faceted ( comparative more faceted, superlative most faceted ) Having facets. Learn more. 3. faceted. MFR MULTI … Faceted starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters f, fa, fac, face, facet, and the ending characters are d, ed, ted, eted, ceted, .. Definition. How faceted snow is formed: Faceted snow forms from large temperature gradients within the snowpack. Faceted search, also known as faceted navigation or faceted browsing, is a technique used by eCommerce brands to help users analyze, organize, and filter large sets of product inventory based on filters such as size, color, price, and brand. Voice Pronunciation: Click and hear the audio pronunciation multiple times and learn how to pronounce the name single-faceted. A faceted bead has flat surface cuts in a geometric pattern to increase the reflection of light, and therefore increase the brilliance of the beads appearence. MFR MASS FLOW RETURN. To the left are Swarovski Crystal Article 5040 Copper Crystal Rondels. Lexicographical Neighbors of Faceted. Definition of facet (facetted, facetting) in the Dictionary. -faceted synonyms, -faceted pronunciation, -faceted translation, English dictionary definition of -faceted. Define multifaceted. multifaceted (adjective) multifaceted /ˌmʌlti ˈ fæsətəd/ adjective. ×. Meaning and Definition of faceted. Definition of Faceted Classification: A classification system that assigns a subject to clearly defined, mutually exclusive aspects of a class. Faux Pearl. Below is an example of how leverages a faceted navigation to help users filter by shoe type, color, size, etc. faceted: 1 adj having many different sides “a faceted diamond” Antonyms: unfaceted lacking facets Many people refer to faceted navigation as simply ‘filters.’. We are looking for Content Writers (1-2 years experience) for our ed-tech startup based out of Gurgaon. Britannica Dictionary definition of MULTIFACETED. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Latinum is a multi-level and multi-year audio course for Latin language suitable for home study that is affordable and comprehensive.. As a result, even though they have the same number of LEDs per base they can appear slightly brighter than the smooth bulbs. What is faceted? info)) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan.Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases that contain a kireji, or "cutting word", 17 on (phonetic units similar to syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern, and a kigo, or seasonal reference.Similar poems that do not adhere to these rules are generally classified as senryū. a multifaceted approach to … 2 3 Focus: Search and Navigation of Large Collections complicated definition: 1. involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand: 2. involving a…. Why? Break 'facet' down into sounds: [FAS] + [IT] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. -faceted meaning: 1. having the stated number of facets: 2. having the stated number of facets: . In contrast, most Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) models originate from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems which typically use continuous surface and edge definitions based on NURBS. Definition and synonyms of multifaceted from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Definition of faceted in English English dictionary past of facet Having facets having facets; "a faceted diamond" having facets; "a faceted diamond A polyhedron may have many faceted forms A faceted model has the same vertices as the original model, but different faces connecting them For example the tetrahemihexahedron is a faceted form of the octahedron Faceting is the dual … ; Record yourself saying 'faceted' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. 1. facet [v] - See also: facet. How to say multifaceted. There can be one centre piece faceted stone in the jewellery or there can be a number of stones that are faceted . faceted - Meaning in Hindi, what is the meaning of faceted in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of faceted in Hindi and English. Information about faceted in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Its scope goes far beyond learners with disabilities and has now been extended to cover all learners with special educational multifaceted. Faceted navigation (or faceted search) is a type of navigation found on the category/archive pages of sites that deal with many listings. Carefully selected gemstones help you create outstanding necklaces, bracelets and earrings.. Faceted: A gemstone carved with a regular pattern of many planes, or "facets". ‘Set like a jewelled crown on the map of India, Kashmir is a many-faceted diamond, changing its character with the seasons always extravagantly beautiful.’. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Dating back to the 16th century, the rose cut has a round, cabbed flat base and a faceted top. Shye, Samuel. This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like faceted.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. Download Full PDF Package. A faux pearl is a manufactured pearl. Faceted search is made possible by facet analysis. facet: [noun] any of the definable aspects that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object (as of consideration). READ … More example sentences. Definition. Multi-faceted definition: Multi-faceted means having a variety of different and important features or elements. Meaning of faceted. facet meaning, definition, what is facet: one of several parts of someone’s charac...: Learn more. Definition of facet. Facet as a noun means Any of a number of sides or aspects, as of a personality.. Be relevant: Not all facets are created equal! If you have a sales team or a physical store, talk to the people on those teams about the kinds of questions, concerns, and compliments they get from customers. (technical) a smooth surface (as of a … Faceted jewellery are ornaments that are studded with faceted stones. How to say -faceted. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. 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