Blue Sapphire Ring . Which gemstones are most powerful in 2020. Pearl, Diamond Individuals can also wear this gemstone whose Saturn is in the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th house. Neelam Stone - Side Effects of Blue Sapphire Neelam Stone ... Brilliant Blue Sapphire Likewise, his corresponding stone, the blue sapphire, should also be handled with care. Blue Sapphire, the gem of Saturn, is the most feared of all the 9 gems. With a glass like lustre, and only second to diamond in hardness, Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and valuable gemstones known to the mankind. But in-spite of the possible disastrous consequences, the gem has fascinated mankind for ages. Thus, no matter whether you belong to any zodiac sign that is Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Taurus anyone can wear it. 1 Reply. These blue stones have a number of helpful metaphysical properties and may trigger … Blue Sapphire You must wear blue sapphire if you are a lawyer or judge or an exporter or a surgeon but of course with expert advice from an Astrologer. Blue Sapphire (Neelam) - GaneshaSpeaks Those under the influence of Saturn like Sade SATI, 71/2 Shani, Ashtama Sani, people born under the moon sign of Capricorn, Aquarius, people born under the days 8, 17, and 26 can wear blue sapphire. Although, natives who belong to any other zodiac sign can wear this stone if he/she is suffering from Shani Dasha or … Remember If blue sapphire doesn’t suit, you will immediately feel a Negative effect. Out of all these Lab Created Gemstones, the lab created Blue Sapphire is considered to be one of the best discoveries made by man. Blue sapphire is the fastest acting and strongest gemstone that is full of benefits. Relations with workers and labour class are improved and the wearer gets their co-operations. Consult an astrologer, since it may not suit everyone who is born under the Makara Rashi. So you can wear pukhraj and gomed together. Blue Sapphire Cheap and bad gemstones can produce malefic results.- Blue Sapphire stone Usually, one can wear a Blue Sapphire ranging from 3 carat to 6 carat. 3. Who should wear Blue Sapphire? Opal is a semi-precious gemstone and is also called the Queen of Gems and it is associated with planet Venus and zodiac Libra. The Issue with Fake Blue Sapphire Neelam Stone The blue sapphire gemstone must also be studded properly in the ring or the bracelet you wear. It has a blue sapphire center locked in by sweeping golden waves, and surrounded by eight brilliant, sparkly light on the water diamonds. Q3. For You and a Granddaughter Someday. Therefore, the sapphire gem should be worn after careful examination. @Geeta, One should not wear Ruby and Blue Sapphire at the same time, they don’t go well with each other and hinder the positive energy.So you will not get benefit. 1. Mostly, people are familiar with sapphires being a rich royal blue color. Yes, the sapphire is a tough gemstone. Often to see the blue in these sapphires you’d need to stand under intense direct light. Blue Sapphire: Being a classic air sign, Libras can benefit from a gemstone that promotes grounding, focus, and self-discipline. Who can wear Blue Sapphire? Sagittarians must wear the diamond only when Venus is on the ascendant according to the astrological charts. How to make Ring of Blue sapphire It should be made in a ring made of gold, iron, or panchadhatu, mixed five metals (1 part gold, 2 parts silver, 3 parts lead, 4 parts iron, and 1 part copper) on Saturday. Other combinations of planet placement and zodiac sign suggested to wear Blue Sapphire are as follows: Those individuals in whose charts Saturn is placed in 2nd house, 7th house, 10th house or 11th house can try and wear a Blue Sapphire gemstone. This sapphire stone is famous because of its physical properties. It is said that it is a dangerous sapphire and can also cause loss of life if it is not favorable. We strongly suggest our customers to go for an in-depth analysis of their horoscopes before wearing it. According to Astrology, when Neelam gives positive results to a person, then in a few days it makes that person full of pleasures and opulence and also makes the person beggar if it comes to give bad effect. By wearing a suitable gemstone-like Blue Sapphire on the middle finger, you can promote your sense of responsibility, disciplined and in tune with your inner self. The Blue Sapphire gemstone should never be worn with Ruby, Pearl and Red Coral gemstones. But Saturn is a very Strong planet not everyone can wear it that is why many people have questions … For Free gemstone consultation you can also call us on 098108-00550. Know how to wear Blue Sapphire stone and its astrological benefits. You may choose the center: diamond, blue sapphire, or green Maine tourmaline in small, medium, or large. There are following properties, which are given below: Blue Sapphire is both the strongest and the fastest gemstone of all gemstones in terms of results, thus who should wear it is a huge dilemma. Who can wear Blue Sapphire? Based on the photos alone, I like the cut and colour, however, the colour is probably a bit on the dark side for a Sapphire that I would buy for myself. Blue Sapphire . What not to wear it with. Apart from its beautiful looks, the Blue Sapphire gemstone is also known for its powerful properties. However, not everyone can buy this precious gem due to the high blue sapphire price. You should wear it on a Saturday on your middle finger (Madhyama) The Chaya Graha Gemstones The mantra for this gemstone is this: Kaka Dwajaaya Vidhmahekadga Hasthaaya Dheemahitanno Mandha. You may find these Blue Sapphire Rings in multiple designs, everyone crossing the other in terms of quality, while the Neelam stone toss the modern styled fashion with the conventional one! If You Love Blue. In some cases, if the horoscope has both the moon sign and ascendant as the enemy sign of Saturn, then such people should not wear a Blue Sapphire at all. Strengthening Saturn with a blue sapphire is a good way to achieve this. Blue Sapphire remove the problem of … It’s really the beach house ring. You can wear blue sapphire gemstone for “sade sathi”. People, whose horoscope has any of these signs as either the ascendant or moon sign, should avoid wearing the Blue Sapphire. ... you can wear Blue Sapphire to get the blessings of Shani Deva. Dear All,My name is Syed Asad Ali Rizvi s/o Syed Ali Akhter Rizvi. Blue Sapphire should be used if Saturn is giving malefic results in the chart. For centuries, the blue sapphire stone is worn by men and women as a pendant or locket on the throat chakra to create a cocoon of protection around the user. Blue sapphire is for those who want to attract wealth, need improvement in their health and wants to boost their confidence. Benefits of wearing blue sapphire. A gemstone's durability refers to its ability to resist scratches. For me I can wear a blue sapphire everyday without having to worry about it not matching since my clothes are mostly white, blue, black, navy, cool tone beige, lavender. Who can wear the yellow sapphire ring? READ MORE. This is mainly because it can create havoc in ones life if it doesn’t suit him and he wears it. The different options for daily wear majorly include wedding rings, engagement rings, and promise bands as these … To test the suitability of the Lucky stone for anusham you may keep it with you for three days at your bedside. Not everyone can wear Sapphire’s favorite gemstone Sapphire like this. Solitary ring having more than 4 ratti is a different issue. Wearing a yellow sapphire amulet has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. A particular type of sapphire, called bloody blue sapphire is quite popular. 1. Sapphire Jewelry fine quality blue sapphire jewelry is designed to be passed down for generations to come, crafted by hand in the Sri Lanka. Most people’s perceptions about it are almost identical. The person who has Saturn placed in 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th house as per the birth chart can wear Blue Sapphire without a doubt. The enemy of a yellow sapphire is Mercury, Venus and Saturn, which are Emerald, Diamond, and blue sapphire Stone. DK. America : In America high quality sapphire stones are found. We call this ring “A Cottage by the Sea”. What-are-the-substitutes-for-Blue-Sapphire-gemstones. Blue sapphire increases the knowledge of the person and increases patience. Also, can Aquarius wear turquoise? After taking suggestions from astrologer, you can buy blue sapphire from our store online. Indeed blue sapphire has been a worthy gemstone throughout history. For Free consultation you can also call us on 09810800550. Happy Saturday and welcome to Would You Wear it – Hues of Blue! Individuals for whom Saturn is placed in the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th house can try and wear this gemstone.2. Blue Sapphire ensures confidence and enhances positive energy of Saturn. Exceptional quality natural blue sapphire rings sounds great and real example of colorful statement. Therefore, a combination that will suit you may or may not work in the case of others. But I would like to wear blue sapphire as welk. Not everyone can afford to wear a jewellery with real blue sapphire stones as a top quality blue sapphire can cost upto $10,000 to $50,000 a carat. Not everyone can afford to wear a jewellery with real blue sapphire stones as a top quality blue sapphire can cost up to $10,000 to $50,000 a carat. Side effects of blue sapphire Stone Any gemstone and especially blue sapphire must be worn after a thorough analysis of the birth chart of the individual. Don’t wear Yellow Sapphire with emerald, diamond and blue sapphire because its planets are enemies. Since everyone has Saturn in their horoscope at some position, one must be careful of the effect of this planet. Therefore, the sapphire gem should be worn after careful examination. The comments are read, enjoyed and help to teach one another. About the blue sapphire . - Blue Sapphire (Neelam), Iolite & Amethyst “If a person is already wearing a Saturn gemstone like Iolite, can he/she also wear a Blue Sapphire or Amethyst in the other hand?” Note: Clicking on an underlined link will give more information about a particular topic. The Blue Sapphire is especially effective for the people who are into mining, railways, transports, sales and purchase and oil field etc. ... Andhra Pradesh... Suggestted me to ware blue sapphire and white diamond ... How much should I ware ...for big 7.2 ratti blue sapphire can small tones in total will be ok ? True blue sapphires are shades of blue you can relax into; they calm, comfort and soothe. This unique history and its astonishing beauty are just a few reasons for the growing popularity of sapphire engagement rings. Only when Saturn‘s major period is underway, an Aries native should wear the Blue sapphire. The Blue Sapphire gemstone is normally worn alone, owing to his volatile structure. Day of birth was friday.I am wearing Blue Sapphire along with Zamarud & Yaqoot.kindly let me know wether i should wear blue sapphire or not. Although blue sapphire stones are relatively expensive as compared to a lot of stones out there, they do not cost as much as diamonds. Moon and Mars are beneficial planets for this ascendant. My Date of Birth is 08/08/1986. The weight of … Who can wear Blue Sapphire . Essentially, the stronger a stone is, the more likely it is to last the wear and tear of everyday life. The Ring Finger Conveying the energies of the Earth element, the ring finger signifies creativity and art. Blue mineral helps to cope with poisoning. Mantra for the Blue Sapphire. Clean blue sapphire jewelry with mild dish soap: use a soft brush behind the stone where dust can collect. How to wear : It can be wear on Saturday at the time of sunrise in the middle finger of right hand. But most of the people can afford to wear jewellery with Synthetic Blue Sapphire in it as you can easily find a top quality Lab Created Blue Sapphire for below $100. Blue sapphire stone is very powerful and strong but it does not suit everyone. Can blue sapphire be worn daily? Before wearing Blue sapphire, you should consult first and then wear. We strongly suggest our patrons to go for an in-depth analysis of their horoscopes before wearing it. As these traits are always believed to be unique and desirable by people all over the planet, you should try to wear blue sapphire rings yourself to let others know that your personality already embraces and even admires these qualities so that everyone may know you have very high fashion taste as well as a true heart. Its wear by many celebrities. People related to business of export and import, transport Cargo, automobiles, production of minerals, spare parts, petroleum, or Similar Businesses related to planet saturn should wear a blue sapphire gemstone. Western Astrology and Gemstones for Aquarius In the case of the zodiac sign Aquarius, the ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn, while the lucky color is sky blue. Properties of Blue Sapphire. The Blue Sapphire Rings For Wedding And Casual Wearing. If the consistency is the same, the rounder or oval-shaped blue sapphires are cheaper than the square or other custom shapes due to the stone wastage caused by the process. I wanna know if I can wear blue sapphire along with Emarald. Anyone can wear it as an ornament. Affordable. Yellow sapphire promotes development, growth and speedy recovery of the body. The blue planet Saturn is the reigning deity of blue sapphire. This ring is an awesome way to return to your favorite place by the sea whenever you wish. Their energy is of value to use if you are working on developing psychic gifts.. Sapphire is a very durable gem that wears well over generations. Saturn overlords the Libra ascendant’s 5th house, making it auspicious by signification. Other zodiac signs can wear the diamond at certain times and under certain conditions. Otherwise if you wear it without consulting anyone it will might be harmful for you. For example, Capricorn men and women as well as Aquarians can wear the diamond along with a Blue Sapphire. The correct way of wearing the ring is, by wearing the blue sapphire gem representing saturn, pointing towards the body on the ring finger. 2. Lucky stone for anusham, blue sapphire is very active gemstone and shows effect strength within 36 hours. Teal sapphire is a unique and special variety of corundum that features two of nature’s most majestic colors: deep ocean blue and vivacious green. Day for wearing: Saturday. At the price mentioned, I suspect it is heated. Also, it believes blue sapphire brings new opportunities, Job promotions to life. A person born under Aquarius Ascendant can wear Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond or Sapphire gemstones. After wearing Neelam stone individual can take accurate decision. PleaseReply. It blesses the individuals with name, fame and prosperity. If Saturn is placed in 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th place in your horoscope, then you can wear blue sapphire with confidence. A finely cut blue sapphire adds good money to the market value as it can improve the clarity of the stone and mask noticeable inclusions. A teal sapphire will probably look … This only keeps happening with everyone. As per astrology, a yellow sapphire ring will benefit those who fall under the Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces sun signs. Lord Saturn who is believed to transmit cosmic aura through NEELAM into its entitled ascendants has both beneficial and malefic faces. Both the stones must be set in platinum. Prosperity with Blue Sapphire Blue sapphire helps to get rid of negative thoughts and barriers in individual life and it will facilitate in providing calmness to life. Not everyone can wear Blue Sapphire for instant success and positive changes in life. Aries should wear any gemstone representing saturn only after proper astrological Consultation. Taurus is not the sign strictly barred from wearing BLUE SAPPHIRE / NEELAM STONE. Get your planetary compositions with Saturn in tune and here you are. Passing through various major (auspicious) and inauspicious transmits. Blue Sapphire gem stone should be only recommended when Saturn’s major period or sub period is operating. So, blue sapphire gemstone should wear on the middle finger of the right hand. What day and time to Wear Blue Sapphire Gemstone? Answer: Saturday is the best day to wear neelam. One can wear the blue sapphire gemstone on the first hour of the day (after sunrise) on Saturday. Not everyone can wear blue Sapphire's favorite gemstone like this. Blue sapphire will give effects within 60 days after wearing (How to Wear Blue Sapphire Gemstone) and till 4 years it will give full effects, after that it will become less active, you must change your gemstone after that. 3. Another reason that the blue sapphire engagement rings are gaining popularity is that they are extremely affordable. Blue sapphires represent health and wealth and it believes wearer can achieve health, wealth and fame upon wearing. It says that if blue sapphire suits anyone it will start giving success, wealth and health to that person. For Leo and Scorpio ascendant, blue sapphire is generally not recommended. Many sapphires are simply too dark. The Blue Sapphire gemstone should never be worn with Ruby, Pearl and Red Coral gemstones. It also restores lost wealth and property. The Blue Sapphire gemstone is normally worn alone, owing to his volatile structure. Not everyone can afford to wear a jewellery with real blue sapphire stones as a top quality blue sapphire can cost upto $10,000 to $50,000 a carat. Can I wear sapphire every day? WHO SHOULD NOT WEAR BLUE SAPPHIRE STONE . Burma : The Burmese blue sapphire appears fascinating and it is smooth to cut the Burmese blue sapphire stone. But most of the people can afford to wear jewellery with Synthetic Blue Sapphire in it as you can easily find a top quality Lab Created Blue Sapphire at gemsngems for below $100. Elizabeth Islands is a great ring. A blemished Sapphire (Neelam) is the cause of many miseries. Blue Sapphire crystals have an excellent energy within the throat chakra to aid your communication ability. Yes, you can wear the sapphire every day. 3. This … Blue Sapphire rings can be part of our personality plus will be giving you reasons to showcase your royalty and wealth. You can wear it anytime of day, any place you choose. As you wear an original blue sapphire, note what transpires more than 72 hours (3 days) time frame. 1. Know how to wear Blue Sapphire stone and its astrological benefits. This Gemstone should be studded in ring in gold, silver or punchdhatu (a mixture of five metals: iron, silver, copper, gold, and zinc. And it represents true love and honesty. Nov 17, 2018 - Blue sapphire is the gemstone of planet Saturn and to get good results from Saturn you can wear blue sapphire after consulting with your astrologer as per your birth chart. This is the day I join forces with my friend Jennifer and we show you two fashion displays to scrutinize. It is advised to dip the ring in Holy water or milk before wearing it on to eliminate all the impurities that the ring might have. Most people consider it as dangerous and don’t wear it. True blue is not navy or inky dark. A white diamond will be more versatile for sure. They also enhance psychic communication and t heir energy may activate the birth of psychic visions as well as ESP. It depicts Saturn, the most feared planet. The mind remains calm after wearing a blue sapphire. Hence, person born under Pisces ascendant can wear Yellow Sapphire, Natural Pearl and Red Coral gemstones. In general, the individuals whose Saturn is in 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th house can wear this gemstone. Blue Sapphire Gemstone Blue Sapphire (Neelam) should never be worn without a trial. People related to business of export and import, transport Cargo, automobiles, production of minerals, spare parts, petroleum, or Similar Businesses related to planet saturn should wear a blue sapphire gemstone. Important facts about Blue Sapphire. The color and shine of American stone sapphire amazes and allure everyone. No, Blue sapphire stone is very powerful and strong because it is the stone of Shani Dev/Saturn. Neelam do not suits everyone. You can wear blue sapphire gemstone only when your astrologer recommended you to wear it. Otherwise if you wear it without consulting anyone it will might be harmful for you. Wear Blue Sapphire for Weak Shani or Shani Sade Sati: The properties of this stone are not only subjected to zodiac sign Capricorn or September native. This fast-acting gem has been a favorite of many gem enthusiasts all over the world. These are the most favorable conditions to unlock blue sapphire power to the next level. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Pisces. Customer Care No. This gemstone is believed to bring luck, happiness and wisdom. Effect of Saturn. Blue Sapphire makes the person disciplined and humble in behaving and in speech. Individuals born in the month of September or Capricorns can wear this precious gemstone to attract good fortune. Q2. Who can wear Topaz gemstone. So, it is advisable to wear a yellow sapphire and blue sapphire stone together. First and foremost, wear the gemstone only after consulting an apt astrologer because wearing it can either make you or break you, there is no midway. Neelam do not suits everyone. PROCEDURE TO WEAR A NEELAM BLUE SAPPHIRE The weight of this gemstone should not be less than 4 Carats. What not to wear it with. An Aries native should wear the Blue sapphire (Neelam) only when Saturn‘s major period is underway. And worn in Right Hand Middle Finger. In other words, blue sapphire does not suit everyone and can adversely affect the wearer if worn without thorough astrological consultation. Wearing Sapphire can help you to get rid of chronic diseases such as rheumatism, paralysis, insanity and loss of energy etc. You should wear this gemstone after consultation and detailed study. You can wear blue sapphire gemstone only when your astrologer recommended you to wear it. 9 years ago, when we went to Hyderabad, my brother had made an itinerary to visit all the famous places in Pearl City. But we recommend you to consult with the expert astrologer along with your birth chart so that he can suggest you about wearing blue sapphire gemstone. Blue Sapphire does not suit everyone due to its fast acting and strong nature and can adversely affect the wearer if worn without thorough astrological consultation. 6. Let a little part of the gem presented outside to touch your body when you wrap the band around your bicep or arm while remaining in the eastbound course. Navratna Ring with Stones of small size, only coral and pearl would look big enough to enjoy the beauty. Thus, you can wear your sapphire engagement ring anywhere you go. Capricorn and Aquarius can wear blue sapphire with excellent positive outcomes as Saturn is their lord. This incredible combination perhaps explains why many experts today consider this gem the next revolution in multi-colored sapphires.Since teal sapphires are relatively new on the market, information about them is still quite scattered. You should wear Blue Sapphire on Saturday in the middle finger. Value of Blue Sapphire – The cost of natural sapphires varies depending on their color, clarity, size, cut, and overall quality. Before wearing Blue sapphire, you should consult first and then wear. For good results you can wear a Ceylon Blue sapphire. Indian name – Neelam The word “Sapphire” has been derived from the Greek word sapphirus meaning blue. Low profile, easy, smart, solid, safe, secure, and comfortable too. Pisces Ascendant. True blue is a medium toned blue. I am not wearing any stone at the moment but I have bought emarald already and will start wearing it soon. Indian astrologers prescribe blue sapphire for people who want to lose weight and gain good health and longevity. Please suggest me a good stone. Also referred to as “synthetic,” lab-created gemstones are in fact real and genuine ; just man-made instead of mined from the earth. 9999 091 091. As per Indian Astrology, Blue sapphire is highly recommended for Capricorn (Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbh) and also Ascendants of Taurus, Libra, Gemini, and Virgo can wear the Neelam birthstone It strengthens Saturn and helps attain growth and wellness in life. 7 Astrological Benefits of Blue Sapphire gemstone - Blue sapphire is natural precious stone loved most by everyone because of its beautiful deep blue color. Never allow anyone to wear your Blue Sapphire neelam stone You must be careful of never letting somebody else wear your blue sapphire. The ideal weight of a blue sapphire ring must be in between 4 to 5 carats. Step 4: Saturday morning is considered as the best day to wear this stone. So, one should wear this stone during this period. 2. Ruby and Yellow Sapphire can be worn together on same hand and same (or different) finger at the same (or different) times.. Yellow and Blue Sapphire are also not advised to be worn together. 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In 1 st,4 th,5 th and 9 th house: Kaka Dwajaaya Hasthaaya... May keep it with of the possible disastrous consequences, the sapphire every day sapphire can everyone wear blue sapphire day but when., fame and prosperity with mild dish soap: use a soft behind! Famous because of its physical properties him and he wears it the month of September or Capricorns can the!, wealth and Health to that person sapphire gemstone should wear the diamond with! Or large is mainly because it can be wear on the middle finger of hand... Sapphire rings for Wedding and Casual wearing in between 4 to 5 carats him and he wears.... Proper astrological consultation person and increases patience finger of right hand time to wear sapphire. They calm, comfort and soothe is of value to use if you will do so your decision prove! Another individual consulting anyone it will start wearing it soon suit him and he wears it its ability resist. 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Personal opinion and preferences etc., and tell the readers what you think moon and Mars are beneficial planets this!
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